guillermooo / Vintageous

Vi/Vim emulation for Sublime Text 3
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search and replace whole word is not working #1032

Closed jasjuang closed 8 years ago

jasjuang commented 8 years ago

For example




does nothing, please look into it, thank you so much

On the side note


works but ttttest got modified to tttzz

simple search like


works fine too

deconvolved commented 8 years ago

Vintageous hands off to Python for substitution, which uses a regex syntax that is not fully compatible with that used by vim. Based on a previous post, I don't believe there are currently any plans to fully support vim-style regex.

You should be able to achieve the same result in ST by using \b in place of the escaped angle brackets. For example :%s/\btest\b/zz/g in place of :%s/\<test\>/zz/g.

jasjuang commented 8 years ago

Thanks for the clarification. \b works.