guillermooo / Vintageous

Vi/Vim emulation for Sublime Text 3
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OSX can't activate ex command line mode #1059

Closed philbedard closed 8 years ago

philbedard commented 8 years ago

I'm a longtime vim user trying to ST3 with Vintageous. For the life of me I can't figure out how to get the ex command line active. Using ":" doesn't do anything. / works for search just fine and all the other things seem to work fine but not the ex command mode. I have vintage disabled and put this in my prefs file even though I think it's the default: "vintageous_enable_cmdline_mode": true

deconvolved commented 8 years ago

I am not sure what is causing this issue, however I have been using ST3 with Vintageous on OS X for a couple years now without ever having encountered this sort of problem. I didn't have to do anything special to get ex mode to work, and I am not using the vintageous_enable_cmdline_mode option.

I would start by commenting out anything in the Settings - User and Key Bindings - User files under Preferences, along with anything else that you remember customizing. If that doesn't work I would try removing the Vintageous package and reinstalling. If you have installed other packages, perhaps consider using package control to temporarily disable them. Beyond that, I am not sure what to suggest. Ex mode has always worked for me out of the box on all platforms.

philbedard commented 8 years ago

I reinstalled Vintageous via the package manager as opposed to manually and it fixed the issue. Thought I was going crazy for awhile since nothing seemed to work.

willxg commented 8 years ago

Thanks - I saw the same thing; installing manually wouldn't seem to activate, and after installing from package control it worked fine.