guillermooo / Vintageous

Vi/Vim emulation for Sublime Text 3
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New text objects #1074

Open mreq opened 8 years ago

mreq commented 8 years ago

Adds indent and line text objects.

srghma commented 7 years ago

Great pull, @mreq !!

Also it could be useful to add quote text objects like in here

chenglou commented 7 years ago

Btw, the VintageousPlus fork has merged this

chenglou commented 7 years ago

Likewise for @weakish @gerardroche @draivin and @craig-sh's PRs. (Sorry, didn't want to spam the other PRs)

mreq commented 7 years ago

@chenglou That's great news, thanks!

gerardroche commented 7 years ago

guillermooo is working on the next version of Vintageous, "Six" ( so Vintageous is dead.

Six is closed source so I too am looking for a fork or to make my own fork official (the develop branch) which includes many of the windowing commands. I wouldn't be able to do without the windowing commands. I don't like the "vim-mode-plus" direction of the VintageousPlus fork.