guillermooo / Vintageous

Vi/Vim emulation for Sublime Text 3
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selected range subsititution forward slash #1085

Open mccart opened 7 years ago

mccart commented 7 years ago

seems forward slash in command substitution is "hardcoded"...

For example, cannot select range of lines and insert // in column 1 with this : '<,'>s/^/\/\//g

I've determine that range '<,'> works, start of line ^ works but quoting of forward slash does not. Seems that / gets parses as delimiter no matter what... perhaps need to allow it be \ quoted?

For substitution, Vi/Vim allows / to be a different delimiter, for example '<,'>s.^.//.g '<,'>s$^$//$g

That doesn't work here either..

Other minor issue noted is ... In VI/Vim '<,'>s/^/\/\// would do all lines, whereas here only first occurrence - seems range is selected as a string instead of array of string lines. Here, g is required here to do all lines.

Keep up the great Vintageous! :)