Title: [Course Convs] Implement AI-Generated Prompts, Questions, and Challenges
Summary: Create AI-generated prompts, questions, and challenges within the Chat Page that are specific to each course or subject.
Description: Develop a system that generates:
Course-specific discussion topics and questions
Relevant examples, explanations, and answers from our AI companion
Interactive challenges and puzzles related to the course material
For this every time a teacher creates a new lessons or updates the lesson a process (queue) should run to create embedding from the lesson content, this is going to be helpful for the user in a course chat type of chat, that way the user can go the the knowledge base and have better response, this should divided in DB work (tables and sql function for search) backend/front (create the chat type page and have the ui running)
For this every time a teacher creates a new lessons or updates the lesson a process (queue) should run to create embedding from the lesson content, this is going to be helpful for the user in a course chat type of chat, that way the user can go the the knowledge base and have better response, this should divided in DB work (tables and sql function for search) backend/front (create the chat type page and have the ui running)
!Subject to change