guinmoon / LLMFarm

llama and other large language models on iOS and MacOS offline using GGML library.
MIT License
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Request: Add support for Qwen models #30

Closed RyutaItabashi closed 6 months ago

RyutaItabashi commented 6 months ago


As more people jump on board with using and developing Qwen's open-source models, we've seen a bunch of variants popping up. I think it'd be really cool if this project could support them. Right now, there's a lot of buzz around a variant from a Japanese LLM developer named Rinna, specifically the Nekomata-7b/14b based on Qwen, and it would be cool if this works on mobile devices easily.

I'm not totally sure how tough it would be to add this, but Qwen's already up and running in the original llama.cpp repo here, so this might help a bit.

(Also, English isn't my first language, so sorry for any odd bits🙏)

Thank you!

RyutaItabashi commented 6 months ago

Sorry please don't mind about this, I simply missed that it's already supported...