guinmoon / LLMFarm

llama and other large language models on iOS and MacOS offline using GGML library.
MIT License
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Issue with LLAVA 1.5 #51

Closed ProCreations-Offical closed 3 months ago

ProCreations-Offical commented 3 months ago

Hey again, I downloaded a quantized GGUF file for LLAVA 1.5 7b, what would be the prompt format and settings to turn on to use multimodal features? I can’t seem to find it no matter how hard I look.

ProCreations-Offical commented 3 months ago

Never mind, I found it, have a good day!

tomasmcm commented 1 month ago

@ProCreations-Offical care to share? Can't seem to find a way to add an image besides the shortcut here

ProCreations-Offical commented 1 month ago

@ProCreations-Offical care to share? Can't seem to find a way to add an image besides the shortcut here

I have been summoned! You need to add a CLIP. Open the models settings, toggle on the Clip setting, find and add the clip file for the llava model you're using, and then try it.

tomasmcm commented 1 month ago

@ProCreations-Offical Ah, the great summoning has worked! I shall add the CLIP and unleash the power of my LLava model, and then we can ride off into the sunset on a llama-powered unicycle, my friend 😊