guino / BazzDoorbell

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Question - Motion detection event #102

Closed adjivas closed 1 year ago

adjivas commented 1 year ago


Thank you for this great project

I need your advice on something. I'd like to implement an MQTT event produced by the detection of a motion.

I have a Mini 16S patched with an offline ppsapp file (see 323fc1b9791a6dcd37ceabb849f120f4 The capture MJPEG video works

To have this feature, my plan is to write a demonized Mini 16S's shell script It will have this instructions:

What I will need is to have a ARMv5 version of the curl and magick binaries. The ARMv5's mqtt_pub has been already shared by this helpful comment 1046337300

Do you think this is the correct solution?

guino commented 1 year ago

@adjivas you really don’t want to do that in the device itself (it is just not powerful enough to do it). You could do that on a separate machine (get the image, compare and generate an event when required), but what most people do is use the built-in motion detection from the main application to generate the mqtt messages from the device itself. This should work offline just the same buy you may need to put it online temporarily to enable motion detection settings in the phone app (or you can try to enable it in the tuya_config.json file directly).

To get the motion detection events from the main application you just use the posted log_parser script.

Please see the below for further information:,-HomeBridge,-Domoticz,-etc

adjivas commented 1 year ago

@guino Thanks a lot for your answer and your links :)