guino / BazzDoorbell

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Bell 15T any hope to enable onvif/rstp ? #109

Open ippocratis opened 11 months ago

ippocratis commented 11 months ago

I got a video door bell

Oem is cooau

Probably same as

nmap to doorbell IP says all ports are closed

ppsFactoryTool.txt works to open 8090 port

8090/tcp open opsmessaging

Some api endpoints work with

User: PpStRoNg Password: #%&wL1@*tU123zv Return

{ "devname": "Smart Home Bell", "model": "Bell 15T", "serialno": "xxx", "softwareversion": "3.1.3", "hardwareversion": "BE7S_T1_V10", "firmwareversion": "ppstrong-b81-m_neutral_std-", "licence_id": "ppslf45b17112284497e", "licence_key": "xxx", "identity": "NBVxxx", "WiFi MAC": "xxx", "ETH MAC": "xxx", "mcuversion": "meari-" }


{"device":{"name":"Smart Home Bell","longname":"Smart Home Bell","model":"Bell 15T","serialno":"xxx","tp":"150000225","pcbversion":"BE7S_T1_V10","software_version":"3.1.3","firmware_version":"ppstrong-b81-m_neutral_std-","mcu_version":"meari-"},"time_now":"2015-12-31T16:40:05Z","timezone":"EET02:00:00EEST03:00:00,M3.5.0,M10.5.0","video_mirror":0,"led":{"all":{"enable":1}},"wlan":{"ssid":"vippo","gateway":"","signal":87,"ip":"","mac":"xxx","mask":""},"sdcard":{"company":"Unkown","status":1,"fstype":1,"total_space":"1.860G","free_space":"1.857G","is_formted":0},"sd_event_store":{"duration":30,"enable":1,"continuity":1},"alarm_plan":[],"alarm_feq":0,"cloud_storage":{"enable":1},"day_night_mode":0,"antiflicker":2,"people_detect":{"enable":1,"bnddraw":0,"enable_day_filter":0,"enable_night_filter":0},"bell":{"pir":{"enable":1,"level":4},"volume":100,"relay_enable":1,"power":"battery","battery":{"status":"discharging","percent":95,"remain":2718},"workmode":2,"charm":{"enable":1,"volume":75,"repetition":1,"song":["song1","song2","song3","song4"],"selected":"song1"}},"roi":{"enable":0,"width":0,"height":0,"bitmap":""},"speaker":1,"microphone":1,"siren_timeout":30,"rec_audio_en":1,"cur_network_mode":1,"network_supported":0}

Any ideas on what I could possible try to enable onvif/rstp on this?

Ideally I would like to have an option to grab the video feed, store events on a remote machine and get motion events notifications

Thanks keep up on this amazing repo

guino commented 11 months ago

@ippocratis unfortunately I have never seen a device with firmware 3.x running linux -- they all run RTOS so they can stay 'asleep' and be triggered when something happens (presence detection, button push, etc), usually because it's a battery operated device so it doesn't drain the battery as fast. I realize a lot of these devices have the option to be hard wired and I assume that's how you'd want to use ONVIF/RTSP (otherwise the battery would drain quickly).

Being a tuya device you could check if it has WebRTC support:

If it has WebRTC support you should be able to constantly stream it from a 3rd device (Computer, Raspberry Pi, etc) and both record (continuously, motion, etc) and provide RTSP service using something like -- again all of this will be useless if you intend to use the device on batteries.

ippocratis commented 11 months ago

It has a hardwire mount option that constantly powers the device yes

I was unable to connect to the tuya app

cloudwdge app works though the cooau app looks like a clone of the cloudedge app tbh

I was unable to get the /proc/cmdline output from the browser and curl

guino commented 11 months ago

@ippocratis /proc/cmdline is a linux thing, so not being able to get that is another sing that it is probably not running linux.