guino / BazzDoorbell

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Meari Mini5X fw 2.9.5 - 401 Unauthorized on most resources #115

Open Peekayy opened 7 months ago

Peekayy commented 7 months ago

Hi, I'd love to use the tricks I've seen on this repo but I'm stuck very early as except the /search path, any request gets a 401 Unauthorized error.

curl http://192.168.1.x/search { "deviceName": "058869158", "serialno": "058869158", "sn": "ppsceda0dc2934fb4857", "licenseUsed": 1, "licenseId": "ppsceda0dc2934fb4857", "p2p_uuid": "v3-0588691580000111A", "factory_code": 0, "factory_code_str": "", "model": "Mini 5X", "tp": "636030503", "ip": "192.168.1.x", "mask": "", "gw": "<redacted>", "mac": "<redacted>", "interface": "wlan0", "version": "2.9.5", "server_type": "", "capability": "{\"ver\":18,\"cat\":\"camera\",\"caps\":{\"vtk\":3,\"fcr\":0,\"dcb\":1,\"md\":1,\"ptz\":0,\"tmpr\":1,\"hmd\":1,\"pir\":0,\"cst\":1,\"geo\":1,\"nst\":1,\"evs\":1,\"vst\":0,\"led\":1,\"cse\":1,\"dnm\":1,\"cs2\":115,\"bps\":226,\"wfs\":0,\"svc\":0,\"flt\":0,\"rng\":0,\"pwm\":0,\"sd\":1,\"ota\":1,\"hms\":0,\"shd\":0,\"flp\":1,\"slp\":1,\"vec\":1,\"bcd\":1,\"ptr\":0,\"pdt\":3,\"rel\":0,\"ovc\":1}}", "produceAuth": 1 }

`curl -v http://admin:056565099@192.168.1.x/devices/deviceinfo

What can I try to go further ? thanks

guino commented 6 months ago

The few devices I've seen with odd ending firmware version (like yours) were battery powered devices and were not running linux (and did not give out normal responses like you posted above). If this is a battery powered device then it's probably not running linux so our processes won't work on it.