guino / BazzDoorbell

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two-way audio #116

Open bkbartk opened 5 months ago

bkbartk commented 5 months ago

is there a way to enable two-way audio on the RTSP stream? I can't find it anywhere.

guino commented 5 months ago

Sorry, there's no way to enable two way audio in RTSP. There were some attempts (by users) in using the playback function to record and play messages in 'near real time' but it was definitely not part of the RTSP functions so it would require extra/separate software and such.

bkbartk commented 5 months ago

thnx, I read about this possibility for some other brands of doorbells so I was wondering if this was possible as well, but all my attempts failed. and now I know I don't have to try anymore ;). I can always use some recorded messages,