guino / BazzDoorbell

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LCS doorbell (Bell 8S) V4.0.7 | env file won't change anythings. #76

Open Lacoste313 opened 2 years ago

Lacoste313 commented 2 years ago


I have a LCS doorbell from action. This is as bell 8S in version 4.0.7

I follow this link : because I have the # at the #MTDNUM=5 line.

So, I have opened the 8090 port with the ppsFactoryTool.txt. Work fine. no problem. My doorbell IP is set with the DHCP rooter as:

My /proc/cmdline url say: setenv bootargs mem=64M console=ttySAK0,115200n8 loglevel=10 mtdparts=spi0.0:256k(bld),64k(env),64k(enc),64k(sysflg),3m(sys),4032k(app),640k(cfg) ppsAppParts=5 ip= eth=00:55:7b:b5:7d:f7 ethDisable

I already have a ip section on the cmd line, with a different ip... (.99 and not .61...)

What i'am supposed to add in the env file ?
I have tried this:

exactly the same of the /proc/cmdline bootargs=mem=64M console=ttySAK0,115200n8 loglevel=10 mtdparts=spi0.0:256k(bld),64k(env),64k(enc),64k(sysflg),3m(sys),4032k(app),640k(cfg) ppsAppParts=5 ip= eth=00:55:7b:b5:7d:f7 ethDisable - ip=\\${T//_/\\$\\'"\\\\x20"\\'}:::::";T=\\"sleep_5;mkdir_-p_/mnt/mmc01;mount_-t_vfat_/dev/mmcblk0p1_/mnt/mmc01;/mnt/mmc01/\\";eval"

Without the original IP part: bootargs=mem=64M console=ttySAK0,115200n8 loglevel=10 mtdparts=spi0.0:256k(bld),64k(env),64k(enc),64k(sysflg),3m(sys),4032k(app),640k(cfg) ppsAppParts=5 - ip=\\${T//_/\\$\\'"\\\\x20"\\'}:::::";T=\\"sleep_5;mkdir_-p_/mnt/mmc01;mount_-t_vfat_/dev/mmcblk0p1_/mnt/mmc01;/mnt/mmc01/\\";eval"

Without the original ip part and with ppsWatchInitEnd bootargs=mem=64M console=ttySAK0,115200n8 loglevel=10 mtdparts=spi0.0:256k(bld),64k(env),64k(enc),64k(sysflg),3m(sys),4032k(app),640k(cfg) ppsAppParts=5 ppsWatchInitEnd - ip=\\${T//_/\\$\\'"\\\\x20"\\'}:::::";T=\\"sleep_5;mkdir_-p_/mnt/mmc01;mount_-t_vfat_/dev/mmcblk0p1_/mnt/mmc01;/mnt/mmc01/\\";eval"

And any of this try works. I get always the same response of the http://admin:056565099@ : setenv bootargs mem=64M console=ttySAK0,115200n8 loglevel=10 mtdparts=spi0.0:256k(bld),64k(env),64k(enc),64k(sysflg),3m(sys),4032k(app),640k(cfg) ppsAppParts=5 ip= eth=00:55:7b:b5:7d:f7 ethDisable

Any ideas what iam wrong ?

For the env file, I save the file on the root dir of my sd card, and I edit it with vim for let the EOL/EOF in this file.

Thanks you

guino commented 2 years ago

@Lacoste313 for 4.x firmware you have to use the information in which is similar to #13 but with different files.

Lacoste313 commented 2 years ago

hey @guino Oh, thanks you, will go to try this immediately. Sorry to not have seeyed that's by my eyes :P

Lacoste313 commented 2 years ago

All work. greats now, with the good files, ahah. I just need too try with 2 different SD card, because the first don't say "done" 'but a strange message like "3fs4q" with the hack...But the second work perfectly.

Thanks man :)

guino commented 2 years ago

@Lacoste313 glad you got it working.