guino / BazzDoorbell

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ppsapp patch request for LSC smart video doorbell 5.2.2 (ppstrong-a3-tuya2_general- #85

Open renzenicolai opened 1 year ago

renzenicolai commented 1 year ago

Hello, I'd like some help with patching the ppsapp for my device. I tried but can't figure out how to enable RTSP / onvif via browing the decompiled code with Ghidra. Could you help me (and others with this model / version) by patching the ppsapp?

Model: Bell 8S Hardware version: BE8S_A2_V10_433

Software version: 5.2.2 Firmware version: ppstrong-a3-tuya2_general-

ppsapp hash: a408d7c0373421cff8cfa8aa755672cd

I've attached the original ppsapp.

guino commented 1 year ago

@renzenicolai Sorry I am traveling and haven´t had a chance to look at it just yet -- I will see what I can do as soon as I can.

guino commented 1 year ago

@renzenicolai your ppsapp does not have the standalone RTSP function/code like 2.7.x and 2.9.x firmware has. Your only option is to enable onvif using tuya_config.json -- you do have to register the device in the tuya/manufacturer app before you can view/edit tuya_config.json. Basically: 1-telnet into device 2-execute cp /home/cfg/tuya_config.json /mnt/mmc01 3-wait 5 seconds, eject SD card, edit tuya_config.json file 4-execute cp /mnt/mmc01/tuya_config.json /home/cfg 5-wait 5 seconds, reboot device

johan-van-marion commented 1 year ago

I've got a Nedis smart video doorbell with the same firmware: 5.2.2 (in the Tuya App) Tried to telnet into the device but port 23 isn't open ... Could not open connection to the host, on port 23: Connect failed

Any help is appriciated, need to configure the rtsp for integrating into HA.

guino commented 1 year ago

@johan-van-marion did you apply the hack to enable telnet ? it is not open by default. Most likely this is the one that will work on your device:

johan-van-marion commented 1 year ago

@guino I'll need try that, just checking but i need the following files to be copied onto the root and start the video doorbell "normally" env ppsFactoryTool.txt ppsMmcTool.txt And this should open the telnet port 23 right? From there i need to copy the "/home/cfg/tuya_config.json" file to SD and edit it to enable RTSP?

i saw a "sample" [] but didn't see the RTSP only the onvif enable

Is this still accurate and is this the only way to enable rtsp?
guino commented 1 year ago

@johan-van-marion that's not accurate. The instructions say to follow the steps from (basically ten steps with a lot of information), but the 3 files copied over the original ones (listed in the ten steps I mentioned). Step 4 will have you boot with the reset button pressed to actually install the hack. Once installed you should have telnet access which will allow you to modify your tuya_config.json file.

johan-van-marion commented 1 year ago

@guino Thanks for that missing bit (reading patiently is not my strong suit) but still some questions, before i boot the device. Can i replace the 3 files directly on the SD card, or do I need to follow the 10 steps and re-do it with the modified files again ? I now have this as content of the SD-card:

I only need to enable the Onvif to link it to my HA. And do i need to keep the SD-card in even after Onvif is enabled?

guino commented 1 year ago

@johan-van-marion your SD card files seem correct - you should be able to just continue from step 4 of now -- you don't need to do the steps again (before/after).

Once ONVIF is enabled on your device (tuya_config.json) you should not need the SD card in the device unless you want to use telnet, download files, or integrate it somehow (i.e. motion notifications).

johan-van-marion commented 1 year ago

@guino Did everything from step 4: even did the modification in "dev" and changed 30 to 60 But still nothing happends. non of the below addresses are reachable in "chrome" http://admin:056565099@:8090/proc/cmdline http://admin:admin@:8090/proc/cmdline http://admin:056565099@/proc/cmdline http://admin:admin@/proc/cmdline http://admin:056565099@:8090/devices/deviceinfo http://admin:admin@:8090/devices/deviceinfo ..... or any other url's described. Am i missing something ? Did insert the sd-card and hold the reset button for 5 seconds and waited sevral minutes....

guino commented 1 year ago

@johan-van-marion looking at your SD card it seems files (posted above) it seems you missed the step to create ppsFactoryTool.txt file. Without that file none of the URLs will work (you have to boot the device with this file in the SD card for it to work). I also wanted to make sure:you are putting the IP address on the URLs -- for example, if the camera IP is you're trying: http://admin:056565099@ (and also with admin:admin). if ppsFactoryTool.txt is created and the URLs are not working then your camera may just not be compatible with the ones we've seen so far.

johan-van-marion commented 1 year ago

@guino This was the trick, until i ended up with a HTTP:500 notification on : http://admin:admin@

Other info : console=devnull mtdparts=spi0.0256K@0x0(BOOT),3072K@0x40000(sys),4288K@0x340000(app),448K@0x770000(cfg),64K@0x7E0000(enc),64K@0x7F0000(sysflg) mem=64M memsize=64M pcbversion=BE5S_A5_V10 sensor=gc2063mipi model_name=Bell-5S

{ "devname":"Smart Home Camera", "model":"Bell 5S", "serialno":"104325253", "softwareversion":"5.2.2", "hardwareversion":"BE5S_A5_GC1_V10_433", "firmwareversion":"ppstrong-a5-tuya2_general-", "identity":"M650177W8900901432", "authkey":"XXXXXXX", "deviceid":"XXXXXXX", "pid":"aaa", "WiFi MAC":"84:7a:b6:e1:b3:85", "ETH MAC":"84:7a:b6:e1:b3:85" }

johan-van-marion commented 1 year ago


rootfs / rootfs rw,size=17160k,nr_inodes=4290 0 0 proc /proc proc rw,relatime 0 0 tmpfs /tmp tmpfs rw,relatime 0 0 var /var tmpfs rw,relatime 0 0 sysfs /sys sysfs rw,relatime 0 0 devpts /dev/pts devpts rw,relatime,mode=600,ptmxmode=000 0 0 /dev/mtdblock2 /opt/pps squashfs ro,relatime 0 0 /dev/mtdblock3 /home/cfg jffs2 rw,relatime 0 0 /dev/mmcblk0p1 /mnt/mmc01 vfat rw,relatime,fmask=0022,dmask=0022,codepage=437,iocharset=iso8859-1,shortname=mixed,usefree,errors=continue 0 0

johan-van-marion commented 1 year ago


{ "version":1, "sleep_mode":0, "alarm_fun_onoff":0, "alarm_fun_sensitivity":0, "alarm_fun_mode_switch":0, "alarm_fun_time_start":0, "alarm_fun_time_end":0, "flip_onoff":0, "light_onoff":0, "night_mode":0, "sound_detect_onoff":0, "sound_detect_sensitivity":0, "watermark_onoff":1, "event_record_time":60, "enable_event_record":1, "record_enable":1, "motion_trace":1, "motion_area_switch":0, "motion_area":"", "motion_tracking":0, "cry_detection_switch":0, "humanoid_filter":0, "loudspeaker_vol_pct":100, "jingle_mode":1,"jingle_sound":0, "jingle_volume":100, "jingle_exist":0, "flight_main_mode":0, "onvif_enable":0, "onvif_pwd":"admin", "pan_default":-1, "tilt_default":-1 }

So the .json file is on my device now a way to pulling it off 👍

johan-van-marion commented 1 year ago

@guino Is a 2GB SDcard big enough for doing this?

johan-van-marion commented 1 year ago

@guino Is a 2GB SDcard big enough for doing this?

O.k. just checked with and other card (128GB) but still same HTTP 500 error

guino commented 1 year ago

some people have issues with the /hack URL even when it works -- check the SD card to see if the 'home' directory was created during boot, if so, the hack worked.

Another way of know if the hack is installed is to simply check if the /proc/cmdline URL changed.

Unfortunately some devices are very picky about the SD cards to install the hack (the SD card may work after the device starts up but doesn't work to install the hack) so if your /proc/cmdline URL didn't change you may need to install it with try different brand SD cards (step 4 where you push the reset button on power on).

johan-van-marion commented 1 year ago

@guino, so far i tried 4 different sd-card: 1 GB Sandisk 2 GB Transcend 32GB Lexar 128GB Samsung Also tried formatting them through the Tuya App All the same result Also tried different busybox (saw there is some differend out there) all in all NO-GO so far. cmdline always seems to be the same Which Busybox should be the right one? Could you send it here? I feel i'm close but still missing something....

johan-van-marion commented 1 year ago

Here's some out put of the "hack" it dosn't help me,b ut maybe you see what can be wrong: curl "http://admin:admin@" -v

guino commented 1 year ago

@johan-van-marion is your cmdline still showing this:

console=devnull mtdparts=spi0.0256K@0x0(BOOT),3072K@0x40000(sys),4288K@0x340000(app),448K@0x770000(cfg),64K@0x7E0000(enc),64K@0x7F0000(sysflg) mem=64M memsize=64M pcbversion=BE5S_A5_V10 sensor=gc2063mipi model_name=Bell-5S

If so the issue is in applying the hack (busybox won't change anything). In any case this is the right busybox: (about 1Mb in size)

johan-van-marion commented 1 year ago

@guino so nothing seems to be wrong on the sd-card any more, it's just the device which is the problem? Anyway i attached the final version of the SD-Card. I think everything i've done is according to steps 1..6 Note: edditted the : ppsFactoryTool.txt and removed my SSID and PASSWORD

johan-van-marion commented 1 year ago

@guino, just checking #2 but could it be the reason it's not working due to the fact i didn't modified the http.conf file? it's still having : /:user:password and should i change it to : /:admin:admin Is that why i'm getting the HTTP 500 error?

guino commented 1 year ago

@johan-van-marion like I said, we need to focus on trying to get your /proc/cmdline to change -- for that to work the only files required in the SD card are: env, ppsMmcTool.txt, ppsFactoryTool.txt

Verifying that these 3 files are in the card, power on the device with the SD card already inserted then see if you get a response to any of these URLS: http://admin:056565099@ http://admin:admin@ http://admin:056565099@ http://admin:admin@

If your /proc/cmdline response (URLs above) doesn't show - ip=30;/mnt/mmc01/;date>/tmp/hack;(sleep then none of the other files in the SD card will have any effect.

Additionally, alternatively to getting the URL http://admin:admin@ to work you can simply check if there's a file named 'hack' on the SD card -- this file is created if the hack was successfully installed. Again, without that ip=30 section in the /proc/cmdline response this will never happen.

I have seen some rare cases in which the device had a defective 'reset button' and the user in question exchanged the device under warranty and the new device worked correctly. I'm not saying this is your case, but it is a possibility.

If you can't get the /proc/cmdline to show the ip=30 section then your only option would be to open the device, remove the flash chip, modify the tuya_config.json file in the chip and solder it back (obviouslly this requires skills, time and the proper tools).

Once/if you have correct /proc/cmdline response we can then check httpd.conf and such but that's definitely not related to the 500 error you're seeing.

johan-van-marion commented 1 year ago

@guino i'm just at it again : I'm getting a responce on : http://admin:admin@ console=/dev/null mtdparts=spi0.0:256K@0x0(BOOT),3072K@0x40000(sys),4288K@0x340000(app),448K@0x770000(cfg),64K@0x7E0000(enc),64K@0x7F0000(sysflg) mem=64M memsize=64M pcbversion=BE5S_A5_V10 sensor=gc2063mipi model_name=Bell-5S But not the last part you mentioned: - ip=30;/mnt/mmc01/;date>/tmp/hack;(sleep

guino commented 1 year ago

@johan-van-marion as I suspected. So until that section shows, the other files in the SD card are irrelevant.

Things you can try: -Different SD cards (sizes/brands) -Formatting the SD card differently (windows/linux/phone app)-- it must be FAT32 formatted. Some people have had success only after re-partitioning the SD card. -IF you have more than one device of the same model (for doorbell I doubt that's the case), you should most definitely try it on a different device. -Power on the device, wait for it to be done booting, then press and hold the reset button for several seconds (it should make a sound after awhile) -- this should reset the device to factory state (you'll need to re-enroll it again on the phone app). The only purpose of this is to verify that there's no issue with your reset button.

Each time you try you need to be sure at least the 3 mentioned files are in the SD card (since formatting/repartition will erase everything in it): env, ppsMmcTool.txt, ppsFactoryTool.txt

johan-van-marion commented 1 year ago

Tried all the above, so i think i'm stuck until some one else finds a solution