guino / BazzDoorbell

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I have problem with accessing /proc/cmdline #92

Open guino opened 1 year ago

guino commented 1 year ago

From @samezrp

I have problem with accessing:


after boot with Normally it runs on port 80 (strange as according to your description it should be 8090 and 80 is supposed to be closed). Anyway I have all data available. After running it with env and there is no answer on 80 nor 8090 port.

My camera details:

devname "Smart Home Camera" model "Bell 8S" softwareversion "2.10.5" hardwareversion "BE8S_H1_V10_433" firmwareversion "ppstrong-c51-tuya2_lcs-" Funniest thing is that mjpeg, snap are working, I have access via 8080, telnet is ok but when I try to run any command it reroutes me to https and no result. I can run VLC and rtsp, but on shinobi there is no access.

[edit] I have found solution for below question on another topics, so I'm currently reading them. _"Another question is how to run mqtt? On mmc I can see shortcut similar to busybox, but I cannot find any mqttpub executable to download."

Originally posted by @samezrp in

guino commented 1 year ago

@samezrp A lot of the times it is the web browser being used that switches from http to https (usually when there's no response from http). You could try something like curl (you may need to download it in windows) to see if you get any results, here's an example on my device:

$ curl "http://admin:056565099@"
mem=64M console=ttySAK0,115200n8 mtdparts=spi0.0:256k(bld)ro,64k(env)ro,64k(enc)ro,64k(sysflg)ro,2496k(sys),4608k(app),640k(cfg) ppsAppParts=5 ip=0 - ip=30;/mnt/mmc01/;date>/tmp/hack;(sleep

Using curl will avoid issues with the browser re-using cached information and/or trying to switch to httpS automatically. You should be using the hack from #13 -- the one from #2 is obsolete, but if it is working then there's no reason to switch.

NOTE: It has been reported that some newer devices behave differently when the ppsFactoryTool.txt file is left on the SD card, so you should try with and without it to be sure -- I have even heard of it preventing the phone app from working.