guino / BazzDoorbell

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adjust to DST #99

Closed bkbartk closed 1 year ago

bkbartk commented 1 year ago


does anyone know how to adjust the timestamp in the video to DST? 6 months back, I remember after a lot of trying I was able to adjust this, but I forgot, and didn't document.

bkbartk commented 1 year ago

ok, found something, If I disable and also all other blocking. the file /home/cfg/TZ changes from CST-1:00:00 to CST-2:00:00

and that's it, only when changing this manual I need to apply a reboot. would there be a way to do this without any reboot?

guino commented 1 year ago

@bkbartk when using the camera online the tuya servers adjust the time automatically. When using the device offline you may need to adjust the time on your ntp server or device (as you pointed out) -- since that timezone file is likely only read when starting the main application you will need to either reboot or kill ppsapp and run it again.

bkbartk commented 1 year ago

Thank you, Killing PPSAPP reboots my camera as well, so reboot it is. I will try to create some Home assistant automation to automatically apply DST.