guino / ppsapp-rtsp

This repository is to keep rtsp patches for camera ppsapp files
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Snap for Mini 11S (Firmware, Merkury 1080p) - No "pps_media_md_get_pic" Found #38

Open richaardvark opened 2 years ago

richaardvark commented 2 years ago


Trying to get snap and mjpeg working on my 4.0.7 firmware version 1080p Mercury camera. Searching the code in Ghidra for "pps_media_md_get_pic" returns no results :( What do I do next??

I already have rtsp working.

   "devname":"Smart Home Camera",
   "model":"Mini 11S",


Edit: I did find "talkTask" and the address for mjpeg.cgi, which is: "DAT_003940e4" so I guess that = 0x003940e4 ? Is the "e" supposed to be there? lol

richaardvark commented 2 years ago

mjpeg.cgi still isn't working. The URL loads but all I see is a tiny grey square symbol and no image.

richaardvark commented 2 years ago

For snap: I followed the directions here closely but there was no "pps_media_md_get_pic" found even though my code/scripts looked almost exactly like your screenshots in the guide.

For mjpeg: I followed the directions closely and found the address: 0x003940e4. I updated the mjpeg file with that address and the URL will load but there is just an empty grey square displayed. I'm really hoping you will see this message soon and have a moment to help me. Thank you!

guino commented 2 years ago

@richaardvark the 4.0.7 firmware has several differences from the posted information -- the differences can be big even between two different 4.0.7 firmware files. Please post a zip of your ppsapp and I can find the address for you.

richaardvark commented 2 years ago

@richaardvark the 4.0.7 firmware has several differences from the posted information -- the differences can be big even between two different 4.0.7 firmware files. Please post a zip of your ppsapp and I can find the address for you.

Here is a zip with my ppsapp. Thank you very much for your help!

guino commented 2 years ago

@richaardvark your snap/mjpeg address should be: 0x03932e8

richaardvark commented 2 years ago

@richaardvark your snap/mjpeg address should be: 0x03932e8

@guino Thanks! I updated both my snap.cgi and mjpeg.cgi files with that address but neither URL will load. It never times out but just keep indefinitely loading forever:

# JPEG address (only enter the digits after 0x)
# Get ppsapp PID
PPSID=$(ps | grep -v grep | grep ppsapp | awk '{print $1}')
/mnt/mmc01/jpeg-arm /proc/$PPSID/mem $ADDRESS 57336 2> /dev/null

http://admin:admin@ image

Did I give you the correct ppsapp file? The only one I could find on the SD card was located in the /home/app/ folder at /home/app/ppsapp and that's the one I zipped and uploaded here for you to find the address.

Edit: I tried removing the leading 0s from 03932e8 but that didn't work either. :(

Edit again: I saw on the patch/address thread here that a different camera (Bullet 4S) seemed to have the same 4.0.7 firmware version/date (ppstrong-a3-tuya2_electro- and it had the snap/mjpeg address listed as 0x0395918 so I tried that address as well but still had no luck. I was going to try using the file posted there as well but have read on here where you have warned others before to never use a ppsapp from a different device/different hardware on your model of camera so I am holding off on doing that lol.

Edit again again: I had no ppsapp file in the root of my SD card so I copied the one from /home/app/ppsapp to /ppsapp and rebooted but still nothing. Was I supposed to do that? What's weird is yesterday/previously it would always load the snap/mjpeg URLs but there would just be an empty grey square symbol but now it won't load those URLs, they just try to load indefinitely without ever timing out.

guino commented 2 years ago

@richaardvark I will double check the address on the code and let you know, meanwhile please check:

richaardvark commented 2 years ago
  • you should NOT have ppsFactoryTool.txt file on the SD card as this may prevent the jpeg function from starting

Oops - I did have the ppsFactoryTool.txt file on the SD card, in the root folder. It is now deleted. I thought that according to these instructions though we needed the ppsFactoryTool.txt file and that it is necessary for enabling http server URLs, which are at port 8090 for the 1080p camera, not 8080? ๐Ÿค”

  • since you did not patch ppsapp you should not have ppsapp in the root of the SD card

I had manually added it but it is now removed.

  • the port for using snap/mjpeg on your screenshot is wrong โ€” you need to use the port defined in in the httpd line (usually 8080) along with the user and password configured in httpd.conf (try browsing the SD card with just http://user:password@ with the user and password from httpd.conf and if it lists the SD card files it should be working), notice that if you modify or httpd.conf you have to reboot the device for changes to take effect.

Yes, navigating to the URL with port 8080 (matches does list all the SD card files, so that's a good sign.

  • make sure you have the support files in the SD card (jpeg-arm, httpd.conf, cgi-bin/main.cgi, etc)

Here are all files now listed on my SD card/in the cgi-bin folder:

/mnt/mmc01 # ls
upload.html                index.html                 bin
set                        httpd.conf                 etc
ppsMmcTool.txt             hosts                      lib
passwd                     env                        home                         System Volume Information
mqtt_pub                   busybox                    sdrec
jpeg-arm                   cgi-bin                 hack
/mnt/mmc01 # ls /mnt/mmc01/cgi-bin
upload.cgi   snap.cgi     mjpeg.cgi    main.cgi     cleanup.cgi
/mnt/mmc01 #

I deleted the ppsFactoryTool.txt file and the ppsapp file from the root of the SD card and confirmed everything else/all addresses are correct and am rebooting now and will see what happens... fingers crossed ๐Ÿคž๐Ÿป moment...

@guino Hooray! :) snap, mjpeg, and rtsp are all working beautifully now! ๐ŸŽ‰๐Ÿ™Œ๐Ÿป

However, now none of the 8090 URLs from before are working, for example: to manually set the camera into day mode. :-/ Hmm... isn't working either.

Final Update/Edit: I went ahead and added the ppsFactoryTool.txt file back to the root of the SD card (even though you said to remove it?) and now I can once again access all 8090 URLs and I still have rtsp / snap / mjpeg working wonderfully, so I think I'm good to go and can close this issue out! Are you sure I shouldn't have the ppsFactoryTool.txt file? I thought it was necessary for http functions...? ๐Ÿค”

Thanks again for your help!!! Buying you a beer today (once I can find my wallet lol)!

guino commented 2 years ago

@richaardvark glad snap/mjpeg and rtsp are working.

Regarding the URLs on port 8090 these will only work with ppsFactoryTool.txt in the SD card. We only need these URLs to get information to install the hack but if youโ€™re using it for other purposes you can try keeping it in place but if RTSP/snap/mjpeg stop working after a reboot of the device you should keep in mind the ppsFactoryTool file may be the reason. You can add the ppsFactoryTool anytime after boot and it should enable the URLs but some firmware versions will not initialize the video (rtsp/snap/mjpeg) if that file exists during boot โ€” if your version is like that you may need to do something different to create the file later after the device has booted up so you can use the URLs.

richaardvark commented 2 years ago

@richaardvark glad snap/mjpeg and rtsp are working.

Regarding the URLs on port 8090 these will only work with ppsFactoryTool.txt in the SD card. We only need these URLs to get information to install the hack but if youโ€™re using it for other purposes you can try keeping it in place but if RTSP/snap/mjpeg stop working after a reboot of the device you should keep in mind the ppsFactoryTool file may be the reason. You can add the ppsFactoryTool anytime after boot and it should enable the URLs but some firmware versions will not initialize the video (rtsp/snap/mjpeg) if that file exists during boot โ€” if your version is like that you may need to do something different to create the file later after the device has booted up so you can use the URLs.

ok, thanks! :) Leaving the ppsFactoryTool file there doesn't seem to be breaking anything or preventing the jpeg stream from starting. If it does perhaps I can write some script somewhere to add the file upon reboot but delayed? ๐Ÿค”

I have been using some of the URLs from this list here and have found them helpful for controlling the camera without using the Android app.

guino commented 2 years ago

@richaardvark glad snap/mjpeg and rtsp are working. Regarding the URLs on port 8090 these will only work with ppsFactoryTool.txt in the SD card. We only need these URLs to get information to install the hack but if youโ€™re using it for other purposes you can try keeping it in place but if RTSP/snap/mjpeg stop working after a reboot of the device you should keep in mind the ppsFactoryTool file may be the reason. You can add the ppsFactoryTool anytime after boot and it should enable the URLs but some firmware versions will not initialize the video (rtsp/snap/mjpeg) if that file exists during boot โ€” if your version is like that you may need to do something different to create the file later after the device has booted up so you can use the URLs.

ok, thanks! :) Leaving the ppsFactoryTool file there doesn't seem to be breaking anything or preventing the jpeg stream from starting. If it does perhaps I can write some script somewhere to add the file upon reboot but delayed? ๐Ÿค”

I have been using some of the URLs from this list here and have found them helpful for controlling the camera without using the Android app.

That is what I would suggest if required, yes.