guino / ppsapp-rtsp

This repository is to keep rtsp patches for camera ppsapp files
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Just wanted to see if a fix for this issue has been found.- #40

Open guino opened 1 year ago

guino commented 1 year ago

Just wanted to see if a fix for this issue has been found.- Above already exists a patch for "ppstrong-c51-tuya2_geeni-" Device info-{"devname":"Smart Home Camera","model":"Mini 11S","serialno":"060343649","softwareversion":"2.10.1","hardwareversion":"M11S_H1_V10_F23","firmwareversion":"ppstrong-c51-tuya2_geeni-","authkey":"lozPNpSAnbJwVhz7GKp4iNV5l5UpW9I9","deviceid":"pp0132b1202c630af158","identity":"MR2005150400913973","pid":"aaa","WiFi MAC":"38:01:46:1e:4d:b3"}

ZIP file is provided above but like the post says Some are reporting rtsp and onvif still not available and this is my issue. (RTSP is needed) I repatched my ppa with the Rom site and provided zip. The hack reported "done" with no problem though so I was happy on this :) I would appreciate any fix or info you could share.

Thank you for your hard work on this whole project it is very much appreciated and I have learned a lot.

Originally posted by @SoloAsh in

guino commented 1 year ago

@SoloAsh I am not sure what you're trying to 'fix'. If the patch is in the list it's been verified as a working patch by someone with the same exact firmware so it should work for all devices in that same exact firmware.

The patch file listed is: and if you followed the how to patch steps from then you should have the RTSP feed available at rtsp://IP:8554//Streaming/Channels/101 and rtsp://IP:8554//Streaming/Channels/102 with user admin and password admin. Onvif should be available on port 8000.

If something isn't working you need to provide more details on what you have tried, including what phone/pc applications were tried, user/passwords, error messages received, etc so we can try to help you.

SoloAsh commented 1 year ago

I am sorry I should have been more clear. I am not very good at expressing myself.
In the posted patch file above for my device, there was an included "note" that states

"NOTE: Some people reported issues with ffmpeg not being able to play RTSP at the above URLs, there are also reports that the onvif profile has errors which prevent it from working on certain applications." Device =( Mini 11S ) Version =ppstrong-c51-tuya2_geeni-

(I try all URls that I can see. I may have missed somthing here.

I assumed I was in this group of people it not working for as I followed along and Get the hack reporting "done" and only issue at viewing the stream it seems. = "done" = {"devname":"Smart Home Camera","model":"Mini 11S","serialno":"060343649","softwareversion":"2.10.1","hardwareversion":"M11S_H1_V10_F23","firmwareversion":"ppstrong-c51-tuya2_geeni-","authkey":"lozPNpSAnbJwVhz7GKp4iNV5l5UpW9I9","deviceid":"pp0132b1202c630af158","identity":"MR2005150400913973","pid":"aaa","WiFi MAC":"38:01:46:1e:4d:b3"} === (mem=37M console=ttyAMA0,115200n8 mtdparts=hi_sfc:192k(bld)ro,64k(env)ro,64k(enc)ro,64k(sysflg)ro,3136k(sys),4352k(app),320k(cfg) ppsAppParts=0 ppsWatchInitEnd ThankYouGuino,ThankYouGuino,ThankYouGuino,ThankYouGuino,ThankYouGuino,ThankYouGuino,ThankYouGuino,ThankYouGuino,ThankYouGuino,ThankYouGuino,ThankYouGuino,ThankYouGuino,ThankYouGuino,ThankYouGuino,ThankYouGuino,ThankYouGuino,ThankYouGuino,ThankYouGuino,ThankYouGuino,ThankYouGuino,ThankYouGuino,ThankYouGuino,ThankYouGuino,ThankYouGuino,ThankYouGuino,ThankYouGuino,ThankYouGuino,ThankYouGuino,ThankYouGuino,ThankYouGuino,ThankYouGuino,ThankYouGuino,ThankYouGuino,ThankYouGuino,ThankYouGuino,ThankYouGuino,ThankYouGuino,ThankYouGuino,ThankYouGuino,ThankYouGuino,ThankYouGuino,ThankYouGuino,ThankYouGuino,ThankYouGuino,ThankYouGuino,ThankYouGuino,ThankYouGuino,ThankYouGuino,ThankYouGuino,ThankYouGuino,ThankYouGuino,ThankYouGuino,ThankYouGuino,ThankYouGuino, mtdparts=hi_sfc:192k(bld)ro,64k(env)ro,64k(enc)ro,64k(sysflg)ro,3136k(sys),4352k(app),320k(cfg) ppsAppParts).

I made sure in Sublime this was the same length as the sample. I see that mine ends in "ppsAppParts" not "ppsAppPart".I assumed this was due to my output showing "mem=37m" instead of "mem=36" which is 1 extra character but I make sure mine is still the same overall length as the sample. I could be wrong on this. But hack output "done" so I continue forward.(This may have been my mistake) I made sure MD5 matched and used original file under /home/app/ppsapp for ROM. Downloaded Patch from link then used site to Patch. I applied ,downloaded the file and placed on root of card. Renamed ppsapp.

I use Google Chrome to try viewing RTSP with links rtsp:// rtsp:// rtsp:// rtsp:// rtsp://admin:admin@ Also I try VLC and get this = Connection failed: VLC could not connect to "". Your input can't be opened: VLC is unable to open the MRL 'rtsp://admin:056565099@'. Check the log for details.

For onvif I try zoneminder and OnVif device Manager I get this error = " There was no endpoint listening at that could accept the message." image.

Seems Cam is rooted for some reason I'm just not able to access the streams. I am missing something somewhere I am sure. I hope I provided the correct info.

Thank you for helping.

guino commented 1 year ago

@SoloAsh Do you hear two startup sounds when the device boots up ?

The device is definitely rooted (good), and as long as you hear two startup sounds it means it is loading the patched ppsapp.

Things you need to check: 1-I'm pretty sure web browser (including chrome) are NOT able to view RTSP streams directly, you would at least need some plugin so I recommend you NOT use any web browsers for testing RTSP. 2-In VLC the ONVIF RTSP URLs you're using need to have user:password but you're using the wrong password for them -- the user:password should be admin:admin like: rtsp://admin:admin@ 3-In VLC the URL for non-ONVIF RTSP stream (which is enabled by the patch) should be on port 8555 with no password, basically: rtsp:// 4-For ONVIF clients you need to provide a user:password for it to work, which again it should be admin:admin -- again the reason for providing the patch (for RTSP on port 8555) is because the ONVIF+RTSP implementation is faulty and doesn't work with many clients so even with the correct user:password it may not work (some ONVIF phone apps seem to work best with it). 5-Some cameras have a setting in tuya_config.json which defines the ONVIF password -- the easiest way to check this on your camera is to open the URL: http://admin:056565099@ and see if there's an ONVIF password defined -- if there's a password defined for ONVIF that is what you should use with the ONVIF style URLs in VLC, ONVIF client etc.

SoloAsh commented 1 year ago

Thank you for looking over this with me. so the cam is only making 1 Start up the sound I do not believe it is loading the patched ppsapp. When I go to provided link to check tuya_config.json it says "This page isn't working". I checked Vlc again with provided link making sure to put admin:admin. Also, check onvif with 2 mobile apps. Onvier. In my other Onvif viewer I added the admin:admin credential without any luck. After plugging the cam back Ip changed to (DHCP). I reserved the IP this time. I was really careful to put in new IP with the credentials while checking the links. I was able to bring up "" .So it seemed the ip change did not hurt anything. Thank you again.

guino commented 1 year ago

@SoloAsh post a zip of your SD Card contents without the SDT folder so I can review it.

SoloAsh commented 1 year ago

Here is a zip of the card. I looked for SDT folder but did not find it. Thanks again for the help.

guino commented 1 year ago

@SoloAsh You patched ppsapp but your ppsapp file is saved as 'ppsapp.txt' in the SD card (likely web browser put that name when saving it). Please rename ppsapp.txt to ppsapp on the root of the SD card and reboot the device -- you'll likely hear 2 startup sounds then you can try RTSP again with the information I posted here:

SoloAsh commented 1 year ago

It seems it adds the .txt to the end when I zip it. I think because it is a .txt file? I opened with notepad and tried to save as "all files" with the name being just "ppsapp". What should the file type be and how could I convert it? Sorry took me a bit to reply. Things got busy Thanks for your help on this.

SoloAsh commented 1 year ago

I repatched and was able to download the new file without TXT extension. I am getting 2 startup tones now. I am still having issues viewing RTSP and onvif. Same exact issues as before Tried the same programs and links as before Used links with admin, admin, and without the credentials. Onvif is recognized but cannot view it either same as before.

I am getting 2 startup tones now. so i am a step closer.

guino commented 1 year ago

@SoloAsh can you post the error message you get on VLC when using URL rtsp:// ?