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Helm resources/history not showing #83

Closed georgi-at-skribble closed 4 months ago

georgi-at-skribble commented 5 months ago

App Version 1.0.6-beta Arch: arm64 Platform: darwin osRelease: 23.4.0 Locale: en-GB

Hey Folks, I just started playing around today and noticed something. When I want to see the resources that belong to a release or the history revisions- it just not working. It keeps loading and nothing showing up. I tried multiple times and rebooting the app. May be once or twice I was able to see something, but only on a very small releases with couple of objects, but that was it.


mo-othman commented 5 months ago

Hi @georgi-at-skribble Thanks for reporting this! We are investigating the issue.

I have a question Are you using a proxy to connect to the cluster?

georgi-at-skribble commented 5 months ago

nope. As I said again: Sometimes it works for example for appsmith deployment and it shows the objects and history, but it is a very small deployment( only a couple of objects), But when I try to lookup my staging deployment with 100+ objects, it just ...keeps loading.

mo-othman commented 5 months ago

Hi @georgi-at-skribble Can we know your helm cli version?

georgi-at-skribble commented 5 months ago

version.BuildInfo{Version:"v3.10.3", GitCommit:"835b7334cfe2e5e27870ab3ed4135f136eecc704", GitTreeState:"clean", GoVersion:"go1.19.4"}

mo-othman commented 5 months ago


We have have fixed the issue and released 1.0.7-beta

let me know if it's working with the new release

georgi-at-skribble commented 5 months ago

I updated and tried again, with no success :(. Also update helm and cleaned up my kube/config a little bit.

But now when I think about it and tried again- it works for all "public" helm charts installed on the cluster, like appsmith, grafana and etc. It does not work for our own(internal) helm charts...It seems that the problem is somewhere in our charts I guess...

mo-othman commented 5 months ago

Do you still have the same error or a different error? Also if you run helm get manifest RELEASE through the terminal is it working?

georgi-at-skribble commented 5 months ago

It works in the console yes. You have my email in the support mail. You can hit me with a meet link and I can show you quickly.

mo-othman commented 5 months ago

Hi @georgi-at-skribble

What time are you available? Are you available now?

georgi-at-skribble commented 5 months ago


mo-othman commented 5 months ago

Hi @georgi-at-skribble

We have released 1.0.8-beta 2 days ago, we are handling resources a bit different because helm get manifest can returns invalid yamls

Can you try again with 1.0.8-beta? and let me know if it's working now for you

georgi-at-skribble commented 5 months ago

I just tried 1.0.8 and it works now!

It was really nice talking to you. Thanks for your support!

mo-othman commented 4 months ago

Thanks @georgi-at-skribble I'm gonna close this ticket since the issue is resolved

just to let you know, we have released 1.0.9 it includes improvements in the layout (esp when you are using microservices) and secrets decode

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