guiqui / k8Studio

K8Studio: A Kubernetes IDE
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Waiting long time for graph to be ready when connecting to a large cluster #85

Open ErikLundJensen opened 3 months ago

ErikLundJensen commented 3 months ago

Displaying the "Deployment"-graph takes too long and contains too detailed/small to be useful. Please. default to the "grid"-view instead of "Deployment"-view when connecting to a cluster.

guiqui commented 3 months ago

Hi Erik, Can you give an idea of the size of your cluster, including the number of namespaces, workloads, pods, etc.? I would like to set up a load test that mimics your configuration and reproduce the issue.

guiqui commented 3 months ago

We are going to put in the settings page a way of setting the preferred default view in the next release.

ErikLundJensen commented 3 months ago

for example 10 nodes, 50 namespaces, 500 pods having 10 clusters in the hotbar if that has any effect.

guiqui commented 3 months ago

Thank you, the 10 clusters on the hotbar should not be part of the issue. We have done load testing with 4000 pods and 40 namespaces with ok performance, we are setting a similar env to yours and see if the latest version has any issues.

mo-othman commented 3 months ago

Hi @ErikLundJensen we have released 1.0.9 Now you can configure the default view thorough the app settings