guiqui / k8Studio

K8Studio: A Kubernetes IDE
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Connection to private GKE cluster #91

Open ognyan-lazarov-cloudoffice opened 1 month ago

ognyan-lazarov-cloudoffice commented 1 month ago

Fully private GKE cluster (Disabled External endpoints), added in K8Studio via Sync File(s). Connection to the cluster is carried out through IAP tunnel (tinyproxy). After the tunnel is initiated successfully and there is an access to API server via kubectl

kubectl get no
gke-...       Ready      <none>   7h59m   v1.29.5-gke.1091002

and K8Studio is started via the terminal, where the tunnel is active (analogically to Lens behaviour), double clicking on the cluster inside the K8Studio UI ends up in timeout, showing the following popup: image

When the proxy URL (http://localhost:8888) is added to Cluster Settings > Proxy tab, the result of connection initiation is expressed in this error notification: image

And the status of the cluster is as follows:


The question is how it can be configured so that the connection is made successfully.

guiqui commented 1 month ago

Hi @ognyan-lazarov-cloudoffice thank you for reporting this bug, We are setting up a similar env. One question can you change the proxy settings to HTTP://

ognyan-lazarov-cloudoffice commented 1 month ago

Hi @ognyan-lazarov-cloudoffice thank you for reporting this bug, We are setting up a similar env. One question can you change the proxy settings to HTTP://

Hi, Guillermo! Your quick reaction is highly appreciated! It's working after the suggested solution - replacing localhost with I should've thought of that. It's so simple and close to mind. My bad, sorry to troubles! And a big thank you for your collaboration!

P.S. K8Studio is amazing, BTW! Now you've got me over for good. I'm definitely migrating from Lens. :)

guiqui commented 1 month ago

THANK YOU, Your support means a lot to us, and we're excited to have you onboard It should work with localhost too. We will correct it in the next release.

ognyan-lazarov-cloudoffice commented 1 month ago

Great! I'm glad it'll be of value to all.