Visualisation: how show the network, values of concentrations on nodes.
Perturb (noise) the network from (0,0) state, change #edge/nodes, type.
Topological(later)/concentration perturbation to check stability.
Chose stable/unstable/boundary areas.
Start with k-regular network (grid) - easier to see perturbation.
Plots: u against v, or u,v against node_i.
Check algorithms for network layout.
Visualisation: how show the network, values of concentrations on nodes. Perturb (noise) the network from (0,0) state, change #edge/nodes, type. Topological(later)/concentration perturbation to check stability. Chose stable/unstable/boundary areas. Start with k-regular network (grid) - easier to see perturbation. Plots: u against v, or u,v against node_i. Check algorithms for network layout.