gulp-community / gulp-livereload

gulp plugin for livereload
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Does gulp-livereload work with Gulp 4? #138

Open epicserve opened 5 years ago

epicserve commented 5 years ago

I haven't had any luck getting gulp-livereload to work with Gulp 4. I also don't see any Gulp 4 examples in the

LimeWub commented 5 years ago

Not sure if you still need help with this. I'm using it with Gulp 4 and it works fine; just pipe to livereload after every function you want to reload at (css and js in my case) and set it to listen in your watch task.

Attaching my current gulpfile.js in case it helps anyone :)

// package vars
const pkg = require("./package.json");

// gulp
const gulp = require("gulp");

// load all plugins in "devDependencies" into the variable _f
const _f = require("gulp-load-plugins")({
    pattern: ["*"],
    scope: ["devDependencies"]

const onError = (err) => {

const banner = [
    " * @project     <%= %>",
    " * @author      <%= %>",
    " * @build       " + _f.moment().format("llll") + " ET",
//  " * @release     " + _f.gitRevSync.long() + " [" + _f.gitRevSync.branch() + "]",
    " * @copyright   Copyright (c) " + _f.moment().format("YYYY") + ", <%= pkg.copyright %>",
    " *",
    " */",

// scss - build the scss to the build folder, including the required paths, and writing out a sourcemap
gulp.task("scss", () => {
    _f.fancyLog("-> Compiling scss");
    return gulp.src(pkg.paths.src.css + pkg.vars.scssName, { allowEmpty: true })
        .pipe(_f.plumber({errorHandler: onError}))
        .pipe(_f.sourcemaps.init({loadMaps: true}))
                includePaths: pkg.paths.scss
            .on("error", _f.sass.logError))
            browsers: ['last 2 versions', 'iOS >= 8']
        .pipe(_f.size({gzip: true, showFiles: true}))

// css task - combine & minimize any distribution CSS into the public css folder, and add our banner to it
gulp.task("css", gulp.series("scss", () => {
    _f.fancyLog("-> Building css");
    return gulp.src([ + "**/*.css", "!"+ pkg.paths.dist.css + "**/*"], { allowEmpty: true })
        .pipe(_f.plumber({errorHandler: onError}))
        .pipe(_f.sourcemaps.init({loadMaps: true}))
            discardComments: {
                removeAll: true
            discardDuplicates: true,
            discardEmpty: true,
            minifyFontValues: true,
            minifySelectors: true
        .pipe(_f.header(banner, {pkg: pkg}))
        .pipe(_f.size({gzip: true, showFiles: true}))

// js task 
gulp.task("js", () => {
    _f.fancyLog("-> Building js");
    return gulp.src([pkg.paths.src.js + "**/*.js", "!"+ pkg.paths.dist.js + "**/*"], { allowEmpty: true })
        .pipe(_f.plumber({errorHandler: onError}))
        .pipe(_f.header(banner, {pkg: pkg}))
        .pipe(_f.size({gzip: true, showFiles: true}))

// Default task
gulp.task("default", gulp.series( "css", "js", () => {
    _f.livereload.listen();[pkg.paths.src.css + "**/*.scss", "!"+ pkg.paths.dist.css + "**/*"], gulp.series("css"));[pkg.paths.src.js + "**/*.js", "!"+ pkg.paths.dist.js + "**/*"], gulp.series("js"));
mycoolade commented 5 years ago

Use same. like gulp@3

function html_make () {
    return src([path.source.template.root + '/**/*.html'].concat(path.ignore))
    .pipe(extender(rule.htmlExtend)) // default options
columbian-chris commented 5 years ago

I'm also having issues. Gulp 3.9.1 works just fine for me but not 4.0.0. It detects changes just fine when I edit a watched file via SSH (using Vagrant with Ubuntu 18.04) in a text editor, but no longer will it detect changes if I update a watched via my host in a synced folder.

Simplest example I can produce:

`const gulp = require('gulp'), livereload = require('gulp-livereload');

gulp.task('watch', function(done){ livereload.listen(35729);'example.php').on('change', function(file){ console.log('Change detected in file: ' + file); }); done(); });`

Loads fine, and again, it detects changes when I make changes to a watched when I SSH into the Vagrant box, but no longer when I edit a file locally on my host machine outside of the Vagrant environment. Works totally fine when I revert Gulp to 3.9.1.

columbian-chris commented 5 years ago

Update: the same behavior occurs when I tried browsersync, so obviously this is not a livereload problem, it appears to be an issue with Gulp 4.0.

jcklpe commented 5 years ago

I've tried browsersync in the past and found it to be too heavyweight for what I wanted to do. I'm doing a pretty simple SCSS, and vanilla HTML/JS project and I'm having trouble getting livereload to work. I've installed the chrome extension and it seems to be giving a "reloaded" message but it's not actually reloading the webpage I'm working on (or any other from what I can see).

Here's my gulpfile if anyone has any ideas. I'm using gulp 4 also:

// Gulp.js configuration
"use strict";

//source and build folders
const dir = {
  src: "./assets/src/",
  build: "./assets/build/",
  root: "./"
  // Gulp and plugins
  gulp = require("gulp"),
  gutil = require("gulp-util"),
  imagemin = require("gulp-imagemin"),
  sass = require("gulp-sass"),
  postcss = require("gulp-postcss"),
  // concat = require("gulp-concat"),
  stripdebug = require("gulp-strip-debug"),
  uglify = require("gulp-uglify"),
  sourcemaps = require("gulp-sourcemaps"),
  // babel = require("gulp-babel"),
  gulpImport = require("gulp-imports"),
  livereload = require('gulp-livereload');

//- CSS
var css = {
  src: dir.src + "scss/*.scss",
  watch: dir.src + "scss/**/*.scss",
  sassOpts: {
    outputStyle: "expanded",
    //   imagePath       :,
    precision: 3,
    errLogToConsole: true,
    includePaths: ['scss/**/*.scss']

  processors: [
      // loadPaths: ['images/'],
      baseUrl: "/"
      browsers: ["last 2 versions", "> 2%"]

// CSS processing task
gulp.task("css", () =>
  return gulp

//head config
const jshead = {
  src: dir.src + "js/head.js", //*/
  build: + "./",
  watch: dir.src + "js/**/*.js" //*/

// JS head processing task
gulp.task("jshead", function ()
  return gulp

// footer config
const jsfooter = {
  src: dir.src + "js/footer.js", //*/
  build: + "./",
  watch: dir.src + "js/**/*.js" //*/

// JS footer processing task
gulp.task("jsfooter", function ()
  return gulp

gulp.task("js", ["jshead", "jsfooter"]);

//- Build
gulp.task("build", ["css", "js"]);

//- Watch

gulp.task("watch", () =>
  livereload.listen();, ["css"]);, ["jshead"]);, ["jsfooter"]);


// default task
gulp.task("default", ["build", "watch"]);

//- Image Uploads optimization

gulp.task("image", () =>
        verbose: true

And here's a sample of my gulp cli readout:

[11:12:31] /mnt/c/Users/aslan/home/work/Code/coa-dev-challenges/frontend/agnostic/assets/build/ reloaded. 
[11:12:31] /mnt/c/Users/aslan/home/work/Code/coa-dev-challenges/frontend/agnostic/assets/build/styles.css reloaded.
[11:12:31] Finished 'css' after 9.18 s
[11:15:52] Starting 'jshead'... 
[11:15:52] Starting 'jsfooter'...
[11:15:52] /mnt/c/Users/aslan/home/work/Code/coa-dev-challenges/frontend/agnostic/assets/build/ reloaded. 
[11:15:52] Finished 'jsfooter' after 218 ms
[11:15:52] /mnt/c/Users/aslan/home/work/Code/coa-dev-challenges/frontend/agnostic/assets/build/head.js reloaded.
[11:15:52] Finished 'jshead' after 228 ms 
[11:22:51] Starting 'jshead'... 
[11:22:51] Starting 'jsfooter'... 
[11:22:51] /mnt/c/Users/aslan/home/work/Code/coa-dev-challenges/frontend/agnostic/assets/build/ reloaded. 
[11:22:51] /mnt/c/Users/aslan/home/work/Code/coa-dev-challenges/frontend/agnostic/assets/build/head.js reloaded. 
[11:22:51] Finished 'jshead' after 668 ms
[11:22:51] Finished 'jsfooter' after 660 ms
[11:23:24] Starting 'jshead'... 
[11:23:24] Starting 'jsfooter'...
[11:23:24] Finished 'jsfooter' after 258 ms 
[11:23:24] /mnt/c/Users/aslan/home/work/Code/coa-dev-challenges/frontend/agnostic/assets/build/ reloaded.
[11:23:24] /mnt/c/Users/aslan/home/work/Code/coa-dev-challenges/frontend/agnostic/assets/build/head.js reloaded.
[11:23:24] Finished 'jshead' after 273 ms 
[11:23:44] Starting 'jshead'... 
[11:23:44] Starting 'jsfooter'...
[11:23:45] /mnt/c/Users/aslan/home/work/Code/coa-dev-challenges/frontend/agnostic/assets/build/ reloaded. 
[11:23:45] Finished 'jsfooter' after 287 ms
[11:23:45] /mnt/c/Users/aslan/home/work/Code/coa-dev-challenges/frontend/agnostic/assets/build/head.js reloaded. 
[11:23:45] Finished 'jshead' after 613 ms
[11:32:58] Starting 'jshead'... 
[11:32:58] Starting 'jsfooter'...
[11:32:59] /mnt/c/Users/aslan/home/work/Code/coa-dev-challenges/frontend/agnostic/assets/build/ reloaded. 
[11:32:59] Finished 'jsfooter' after 552 ms 
[11:32:59] /mnt/c/Users/aslan/home/work/Code/coa-dev-challenges/frontend/agnostic/assets/build/head.js reloaded.
[11:32:59] Finished 'jshead' after 562 ms
vandres commented 5 years ago

For me to work, I had to separate the default and watch task and also call the tasks with gulp.series()


gulp.task('default', gulp.series(['css', 'js']), function() {
    livereload.listen();"./web/scss/**/*.scss", ['css']);"./web/js/footer/**/*.js", ['js']);


gulp.task('watch', function() {
    livereload.listen();"./web/scss/**/*.scss", gulp.series(['css']));"./web/js/footer/**/*.js",  gulp.series(['js']));

gulp.task('default', gulp.series(['css', 'js', 'watch']));
mpltr commented 4 years ago

For the .reload() method used to refresh the page, I found I had to use it in an async function after updating to Gulp 4:, async () => livereload.reload() );

where php files is the directory to watch

jcklpe commented 4 years ago

I actually recently fixed this issue for myself. If it would help anyone here is a link to my gulp file:

And here is it's contents.

// Gulp.js configuration
"use strict";

// options for src and build folders
const dir = {
    src: "./assets/src/",
    build: "./assets/build/",
    vendor: "./assets/vendor/",
    root: "./",
    // Replace with URL of your local site
    localDevURL: "dev-colab.test/"
  // gulp plugins etc
  gulp = require("gulp"),
  gutil = require("gulp-util"),
  sass = require("gulp-sass"),
  cssnano = require("cssnano"),
  autoprefixer = require("gulp-autoprefixer"),
  sourcemaps = require("gulp-sourcemaps"),
  //NOTE: commenting this out because it's whining about something or other and I don't even use this thing. its another thing from a previous dev
//   jshint = require("gulp-jshint"),
//   stylish = require("jshint-stylish"),
  uglify = require("gulp-uglify"),
  concat = require("gulp-concat"),
  rename = require("gulp-rename"),
  plumber = require("gulp-plumber"),
  //NOTE: I have commented out bower because it's something left over from the previous dev and I don't really use the command that uses it and from what I can tell that command is better handled with npm but yeah that's it for now.
  // bower = require("gulp-bower"),
  babel = require("gulp-babel"),
  postcss = require("gulp-postcss"),
  browserSync = require("browser-sync").create();

// Browser-sync
var browsersync = false;

//- CSS
var scss = {
  src: dir.src + "scss/*.scss",
  watch: dir.src + "scss/**/*.scss", //*/
  build: + "scss/",
  sassOpts: {
    outputStyle: "expanded",
    //   imagePath       :,
    precision: 3,
    errLogToConsole: true
  processors: [
      // loadPaths: ['images/'],

// SCSS processing
  gulp.series(() => {
    return gulp
          ? browsersync.reload({
              stream: true
          : gutil.noop()

//- Javascript
var js = {
src: dir.src + "js/*.js",
watch: dir.src + "js/**/*.js",
foundation: dir.vendor + "foundation-sites/js/",
build: + "js/",

// concat and minify JavaScript
  gulp.series(() => {
    return gulp
          suffix: ".min"
      .pipe(sourcemaps.write(".")) // Creates sourcemap for minified JS
          ? browsersync.reload({
              stream: true
          : gutil.noop()

// concat, and minify Foundation JavaScript
  gulp.series(() => {
    return gulp
        // Foundation core - needed if you want to use any of the components below
        dir.vendor + "foundation.cor*.js",
        dir.vendor + "foundation.util.*.js",

        // Pick the components you need in your project
        dir.vendor + "foundation.abid*.js",
        dir.vendor + "foundation.accordi*n.js",
        dir.vendor + "foundation.accordionMen*.js",
        dir.vendor + "foundation.dr*lldown.js",
        dir.vendor + "foundation.drop*own.js",
        dir.vendor + "foundation.dro*downMenu.js",
        dir.vendor + "foundation.equ*lizer.js",
        dir.vendor + "*rchange.js",
        dir.vendor + "foundation.mage*lan.js",
        dir.vendor + "foundation.offca*vas.js",
        dir.vendor + "foundation.orb*t.js",
        dir.vendor + "foundation.res*onsiveMenu.js",
        dir.vendor + "foundation.respon*iveToggle.js",
        dir.vendor + "foundation.rev*al.js",
        dir.vendor + "foundation.sli*er.js",
        dir.vendor + "foundation.stick*.js",
        dir.vendor + "foundation.t*bs.js",
        dir.vendor + "foundation.t*ggler.js",
        dir.vendor + "foundation.tool*ip.js"
          presets: ["es2015"],
          compact: true
          suffix: ".min"
      .pipe(sourcemaps.write(".")) // Creates sourcemap for minified Foundation JS

// Browser-Sync watch files and inject changes
  gulp.series(() => {
    // Watch files
    var files = [

    browserSync.init(files, {

      proxy: dir.localDevURL

    //watch scss, gulp.series("scss"));

    // watch js
      .watch("./assets/src/js/*.js", gulp.series("site-js"))
      .on("change", browserSync.reload);

// Watch files for changes (without Browser-Sync)
    gulp.series(() => {
        // Watch .scss files["./assets/src/scss/**/*.scss"], gulp.series("scss"));

        // Watch site-js files"./assets/src/js/*.js", gulp.series("site-js"));

// Run styles, site-js and foundation-js
    gulp.series("scss", "site-js", "foundation-js")
