I have a couple of LESS files in my project that only contain a comment:
/* TODO: Add styles for component: hello-world */
And this now causes the following error to be thrown
error : Source map to be applied is missing the "mappings" property
at assertProperty (root\node_modules\gulp-less\node_modules\vinyl-sourcemaps-apply\index.js:32:13)
at applySourceMap (root\node_modules\gulp-less\node_modules\vinyl-sourcemaps-apply\index.js:12:3)
at root\node_modules\gulp-less\index.js:66:13
at root\node_modules\gulp-less\node_modules\less\lib\less\index.js:29:17
at Object.finish as _finish
at Object.tree.importVisitor.run (root\node_modules\gulp-less\node_modules\less\lib\less\import-visitor.js:34:22)
at Object.Parser.parser.parse (root\node_modules\gulp-less\node_modules\less\lib\less\parser.js:675:22)
at Object.less.render (root\node_modules\gulp-less\node_modules\less\lib\less\index.js:22:20)
at Transform._transform (root\node_modules\gulp-less\index.js:42:10)
at Transform._read (root\node_modules\gulp-less\node_modules\through2\node_modules\readable-stream\lib_stream_transform.js:184:10)
If I remove the comments and make it an empty file, it works fine. However, if I also change the assertProperty method from:
function assertProperty(sourceMap, propertyName) {
if (!sourceMap[propertyName]) {
var e = new Error('Source map to be applied is missing the \"' + propertyName + '\" property');
throw e;
function assertProperty(sourceMap, propertyName) {
// protect against falsey values by using typeof, instead
if (typeof sourceMap[propertyName] === 'undefined') {
var e = new Error('Source map to be applied is missing the \"' + propertyName + '\" property');
throw e;
Then that also works fine. The problem is that the value, an empty string, is coming through as falsey. I believe that checking for an undefined property is what is actually intended here. My sincerest apologies for the lack of a pull request, I'm new to GitHub.
I have a couple of LESS files in my project that only contain a comment:
And this now causes the following error to be thrown
If I remove the comments and make it an empty file, it works fine. However, if I also change the assertProperty method from:
Then that also works fine. The problem is that the value, an empty string, is coming through as falsey. I believe that checking for an undefined property is what is actually intended here. My sincerest apologies for the lack of a pull request, I'm new to GitHub.