gulpjs / gulp-cli

Command Line Interface for gulp.
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Series tasks are not appearing #195

Closed manchuck closed 5 years ago

manchuck commented 5 years ago

Given the following gulpfile:

const {series} = require('gulp');

const taskOne = () => {};

const taskTwo = () => {};

const taskThree = () => {};

exports.default = series(taskOne, taskTwo, taskThree);
exports.taskOne = taskOne;
exports.taskTwo = taskTwo;
exports.taskThree = taskThree;
exports.fizz = series(taskTwo, taskThree);

When running gulp --tasks, the fizz task is missing from the list:

gulp --tasks
[14:28:55] Tasks for ~/gulpfile.js
[14:28:55] ├─┬ <series>
[14:28:55] │ └─┬ <series>
[14:28:55] │   ├── taskTwo
[14:28:55] │   └── taskThree
[14:28:55] ├── taskOne
[14:28:55] ├── taskTwo
[14:28:55] └── taskThree


gulp --version
CLI version: 2.2.0
Local version: 4.0.0
sttk commented 5 years ago

@manchuck That result is different from what I ran now. Please upgrade gulp's version.

$ gulp --tasks
[13:35:43] Tasks for ~/proj/gulpfile.js
[13:35:43] ├─┬ default
[13:35:43] │ └─┬ <series>
[13:35:43] │   ├── taskOne
[13:35:43] │   ├── taskTwo
[13:35:43] │   └── taskThree
[13:35:43] ├── taskOne
[13:35:43] ├── taskTwo
[13:35:43] ├── taskThree
[13:35:43] └─┬ fizz
[13:35:43]   └─┬ <series>
[13:35:43]     ├── taskTwo
[13:35:43]     └── taskThree

$ gulp --version
CLI version: 2.2.0
Local version: 4.0.2
phated commented 5 years ago

As @sttk stated, you need to upgrade gulp to 4.0.2 because a bug was found and fixed.