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Can't exclude directories using src glob #165

Closed aaronbushnell closed 10 years ago

aaronbushnell commented 10 years ago

I can't exclude a directory from being copied over when using a src glob. Here's my task:

gulp.task('copy', function() {
    return gulp.src(['app/**', '!app/_tmp/**'])

Gulp copies over app/**, but app/_tmp/ is still being copied.


+ app/
  + tmp/
  + css/
  + js/
+ dist/
  + css/
  + js/

Gulp output:

+ app/
  + tmp/
  + css/
  + js/
+ dist/
  + tmp/
  + css/
  + js/

Update: Clarified that the dist/_tmp/ directory does not contain any files

stryju commented 10 years ago

so tmp or _tmp ?

sindresorhus commented 10 years ago

You're globbing for files, if you want to ignore the dir you need to: gulp.src(['app/**', '!app/_tmp/'])

aaronbushnell commented 10 years ago

@sindresorhus No dice. Now the dist/_tmp/ directory has the files from app/_tmp/ inside it.

aaronbushnell commented 10 years ago

Just an update: I updated to gulp 3.4.0 and am still having the same issue.

stryju commented 10 years ago

@aaronbushnell can you create a repo so we can clone it and work on the same dir structure? :)

aaronbushnell commented 10 years ago

Sure thing!

gfloyd commented 10 years ago

The way I've made this work is to exclude the directory and the contents like so: gulp.src(['app/**', '!app/_tmp', '!app/_tmp/**'])

aaronbushnell commented 10 years ago

@gfloyd Hm, doing that still copied over the tmp/ directory to dist/ (it was empty though).

stryju commented 10 years ago


gulp.src(['app/**', '!app/{_tmp,_tmp/**}'])


using the !app/{_tmp,_tmp/**} pattern uses a pattern to combine the both requirements and says:

give me all the dirs/files in app folder EXCEPT for _tmp folder content and the _tmp directory itself


stryju commented 10 years ago

seems like that it is not clear - maybe we should create a recipe with that?

/cc @Contra

aaronbushnell commented 10 years ago

@stryju That worked perfectly! Thanks for the help. Will this be simplified in the future or should I plan on always writing exclusions like this?

stryju commented 10 years ago

more of a question @ :-)

issue resolved? ;-)

aaronbushnell commented 10 years ago

Resolved. I'll bring the issue there. Thanks, all!

stryju commented 10 years ago

happy to help :)

timrwood commented 10 years ago

It can be golfed further to !app/_tmp{,/**} so you don't need to repeat the directory name.

ralyodio commented 10 years ago

Does not work for me:

    '!client/public/{vendor, vendor/**}',
    ], { base: './' })

I'm still getting a populated vendor directory.

heikki commented 10 years ago

@chovy You have a space there that messes things up: {vendor, vendor/**}.

ktstowell commented 9 years ago

['!node_modules', '!node_modules/**', './**'] Worked for me, though I do like @aaronbushnell 's proposition in

alexpi commented 9 years ago

I want to match everything except bower_components and anything inside. So, I used the following code as suggested, but this still matches any folder that has .html files inside, together with those files.

return gulp.src([

Any suggestions?

stryju commented 9 years ago

@alexpi this pattern will include the folders containing the html files, but should exclude the html files themselves - is that the case?

alexpi commented 9 years ago

Sorry! There was no issue after all, another Gulp task was the culprit. The code works as expected.

hermeslm commented 9 years ago

Thanks to gfloyd, that solution works.

zeshanshani commented 8 years ago

Thank you, @ktstowell, your solution worked really well. I'm working with Gulp Zip. It was really cumbersome to exclude a few folders/files and keep everything else including the project tree as it is.

@stryju Thank you for your solution of using !{_tmp,_tmp/**} method. I was using !(.gitignore,.sftp-config.json) to exclude a few files, but that didn't work.

Here's my code:

var gulp             = require( 'gulp' ),
    zip              = require( 'gulp-zip' );

gulp.task( 'zip', function() {

  return gulp.src( [
    '!node_modules', '!node_modules/**',
    '!dist', '!dist/**',
    '!assets/bower_components', '!assets/bower_components/**',
  ] )
    .pipe( zip('') )
    .pipe( gulp.dest( 'dist' ) );

acauamontiel commented 8 years ago

This works well for me:

gulp.src(['app/**', '!app/_tmp{,/**/*}'])
vmasto commented 8 years ago

Just as a note, I used to use:


But then converting it to:


Shaved off at least 3 whole seconds from my task. Just a heads up, you might want to test your task if you care about performance; it would appear the dir{**} notation is really slow.

npineda commented 8 years ago

I was calling a folder above and copying all it's content expect from the folder I was currently inside(called "deploy"). This worked for me - gulp.src(['../**/*','!../deploy','!../deploy/**']).

kennycrosby commented 7 years ago

Read through this thread and tried a bunch of things but still directories are copying over. I want to exclude ALL of /src but src/images/sub-directory ends up getting copied albeit empty.


I end up with:


Using gulp babel. Any ideas?

Triloworld commented 6 years ago

There is one line solution. It is great when glob need to be apply relative:

@import "../../!(web)/*/.scss";

It import:

Don't import:

So it basically work as one level directory exclude. It can be even something like this:

Important: It won't work if added AFTER "". Like this one: ../ ../ / !(web) / *.scss (how to choose on what level directory exclude when multilevel are included?)