gulpjs / gulp

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Corruption of image files during migration or optimization #2803

Open arturvader opened 1 week ago

arturvader commented 1 week ago

When the script is triggered, the file from the app/images/brand_logo.jpg folder is copied to dist/images/brand_logo.jpg. There should be no changes to the file but it changes and becomes unreadable.

In another project, when using "gulp-tinify": "^1.0.2" the same problem.

I checked with gulp version 4.0.2 installed and everything works correctly.

Node version: 20.13.0 npm version: 10.5.2 gulp --version CLI version: 3.0.0 Local version: 5.0.0

package.json: { "name": "test", "version": "1.0.0", "main": "gulpfile.js", "private": true, "type": "module", "browserslist": [ "last 2 version", "not dead", "not ie <= 11", "iOS >= 12" ], "scripts": { "test": "echo \"Error: no test specified\" && exit 1" }, "author": "", "license": "ISC", "devDependencies": { "gulp": "^5.0.0", "gulp-imagemin": "^9.1.0", "gulp-newer": "^1.4.0" } }

gulpfile.js: import gulp from 'gulp'; import imagemin from 'gulp-imagemin'; import newer from 'gulp-newer';

const app = 'app', dist = 'dist';

const config = { app : { svg : app + '/images//*.svg', img : app + '/images/*/.{jpg,jpeg,png,gif,webp}', }, dist : { svg : dist + '/images//*.svg', img : dist + '/images/*/', all : dist + '/*/', }, }

// Images

export const images = gulp.series( function(cb){ return gulp.src(, { base: 'app' }) .pipe(newer(config.dist.svg)) .pipe(imagemin()) .pipe(gulp.dest(dist)) cb(); }, ); export const imgtinify = () => { return gulp.src(, { base: 'app', encoding: false, buffer: false }) .pipe(newer(config.dist.img)) .pipe(gulp.dest(dist)) };

// Watch

export const startwatch = () => {, gulp.series( imgtinify, ));, gulp.series(images, )); };

// Default

export default gulp.series( gulp.parallel( images, imgtinify, ), gulp.parallel( startwatch, ), );

Screenshot 2024-05-08 at 20 43 30
yocontra commented 1 week ago

Add {encoding: false} to any gulp.src call where you are using binary files - see now docs and release blog for v5 for info.

arturvader commented 1 week ago

Add {encoding: false} to any gulp.src call where you are using binary files - see now docs and release blog for v5 for info.

Pay attention to the code that I provided as a sample. What you wrote is indicated in the code ( gulp.src(, { base: 'app', encoding: false, buffer: false }) ) and it does not help.

yocontra commented 1 week ago

Sorry, the code wasn't formatted in the issue very well and I was looking at the SVG logic. With encoding: false it shouldn't make any changes to the file at all.

Just going to repost your code simplified and formatted for reference:

import gulp from 'gulp'
import newer from 'gulp-newer'

const app = 'app'
const dist = 'dist'

const config = {
  app: {
    img: app + '/images//.{jpg,jpeg,png,gif,webp}'
  dist: {
    img: dist + '/images//*'
export const imgtinify = () =>
    .src(, {
      base: 'app',
      encoding: false,
      buffer: false

export default gulp.series(imgtinify)

Are you able to reproduce this with the above code, and does removing gulp-newer also reproduce it? Could you provide an example of a before and after file so I can look at the binary?

arturvader commented 1 week ago

Sorry, the code wasn't formatted in the issue very well and I was looking at the SVG logic. With encoding: false it shouldn't make any changes to the file at all.

Just going to repost your code simplified and formatted for reference:

import gulp from 'gulp'
import newer from 'gulp-newer'

const app = 'app'
const dist = 'dist'

const config = {
  app: {
    img: app + '/images//.{jpg,jpeg,png,gif,webp}'
  dist: {
    img: dist + '/images//*'
export const imgtinify = () =>
    .src(, {
      base: 'app',
      encoding: false,
      buffer: false

export default gulp.series(imgtinify)

Are you able to reproduce this with the above code, and does removing gulp-newer also reproduce it? Could you provide an example of a before and after file so I can look at the binary?

Original image: brand_logo

Resulting file: brand_logo

arturvader commented 1 week ago

Sorry, the code wasn't formatted in the issue very well and I was looking at the SVG logic. With encoding: false it shouldn't make any changes to the file at all.

Just going to repost your code simplified and formatted for reference:

import gulp from 'gulp'
import newer from 'gulp-newer'

const app = 'app'
const dist = 'dist'

const config = {
  app: {
    img: app + '/images//.{jpg,jpeg,png,gif,webp}'
  dist: {
    img: dist + '/images//*'
export const imgtinify = () =>
    .src(, {
      base: 'app',
      encoding: false,
      buffer: false

export default gulp.series(imgtinify)

Are you able to reproduce this with the above code, and does removing gulp-newer also reproduce it? Could you provide an example of a before and after file so I can look at the binary?

I checked the test assembly with the code you wrote and got the same result.

phated commented 1 week ago

I don't have much input right now, but I'm noticing that the globs look very broken. Perhaps this isn't even picking up the files at all and the output is an older generated file

arturvader commented 1 week ago

when I copied the code here some characters are not published (double *, /images/**/ )

yocontra commented 1 week ago

To simplify further and fix the globs in the code, does this reproduce?

import gulp from 'gulp'

export const imgtinify = () =>
    .src('app/images/**/*.{jpg,jpeg,png,gif,webp}', {
      base: 'app',
      encoding: false,
      buffer: false

export default gulp.series(imgtinify)

Is it possible that you ran it without encoding: false, it produced broken images, then you added encoding: false but the new images didn't get written because gulp-newer is just looking at the mtime of the original file? Try clearing the dist folder out before reproducing again.

arturvader commented 1 week ago

To simplify further and fix the globs in the code, does this reproduce?

import gulp from 'gulp'

export const imgtinify = () =>
    .src('app/images/**/*.{jpg,jpeg,png,gif,webp}', {
      base: 'app',
      encoding: false,
      buffer: false

export default gulp.series(imgtinify)

Is it possible that you ran it without encoding: false, it produced broken images, then you added encoding: false but the new images didn't get written because gulp-newer is just looking at the mtime of the original file? Try clearing the dist folder out before reproducing again.

The source file was made in Photoshop, I deleted all the files in dist before launching gulp. This is a test build, the problem was discovered in 2 new projects with a lot of image files and gulp version 5 was installed for the first time. In projects where the old version (previous) of gulp remains, everything works correctly.

arturvader commented 1 week ago

Please try to create a test project with the settings that I specified. Maybe I made a mistake somewhere. I tried it on my MacBook Pro and on Linux (Raspberry PI 5). Sorry for my English, it's not my native language.

Nezarik-Intmax commented 1 week ago

Try to add removeBOM: false to src options

mjot commented 6 days ago

I had the same problem with this simple task for copying font files:

async function fontsBuild(site) {
    let path = setPathsForSite(site);
    let fontsConfig = {
        dir: path.src + 'fonts/',
        src: path.src + 'fonts/*.{woff,woff2,eot,ttf,svg}',
        build: path.dst + 'assets/fonts/'

    const directoryExists = await checkDirectory(fontsConfig.dir);
    if (directoryExists) {
        return gulp.src(fontsConfig.src)

By adding encoding: false to gulp.src like mentioned from @yocontra its works again:

return gulp.src(fontsConfig.src, { encoding: false })
arturvader commented 6 days ago

Try to add removeBOM: false to src options

I tried what you wrote, it didn't help.

vkorytska commented 5 days ago

This is probably related to

DuaelFr commented 5 days ago

I have the same issue for both my images and my fonts. Text based files seem to be acting normal.

BlueAbdul commented 5 days ago

I had the same problem for pictures and fonts that was resolved by setting buffer to true and removeBOM to false.

return gulp
          .src(your_path, {
            buffer: true,
            removeBOM: false

Edit: I don't know why my comment got minimized since it resolved this problem...

yavorski commented 5 days ago

We have identical issue when creating .woff2 font file from multiple svg images using gulp-iconfont. We only updated to v5 and it stopped working, no other changes are involved. Reverting to v4 fixes the issue.

arturvader commented 4 days ago

У нас возникла идентичная проблема при создании .woff2файла шрифта из нескольких изображений SVG с использованием gulp-iconfont . Мы обновились только до версии 5, и она перестала работать, никаких других изменений не произошло. Возврат к версии 4 решает проблему.

Many plugins stopped working. Here is a list of some that stopped working after installing gulp 5: vinyl-ftp, gulp-webp, gulp-sftp (I'm not sure about this plugin, it worked together with vinyl-ftp, I didn't sell it separately)

rustscr1pt commented 4 days ago

Yeah, I had the same issue today. I returned to 4.0.2 version and it works fine.

ernilambar commented 3 days ago

I was having same issue of corrupted image. Adding following arguments in src() fixed the issue.

  buffer: true,
  removeBOM: false


return gulp.src( [ 'src/images/**/*.*' ], {
  buffer: true,
  removeBOM: false
  } )
  .pipe( gulp.dest( 'assets/images' ) );
} );
arturvader commented 3 days ago

I confirm that after setting the buffer value to true (buffer: true), the file was copied without changes and working.

BlueAbdul commented 3 days ago

I confirm that after setting the buffer value to true (buffer: true), the file was copied without changes and working.

Yeah it fixes the problem, I don't know why my comment got minimized as I'm only trying to help...