I will file this issue with orchestrator as well. It seems like gulp/via orchestrator uses the existence of a 'done' method on a return object to evaluate whether the task returns a promise -- however the Promises/A+ spec does not have any normative or prescriptive interoperable specification that a promise implementation provide "promise.done()".
orchestrator/lib/runTask.js lines 36 - 40
if (r && typeof r.done === 'function') {
// wait for promise to resolve
// FRAGILE: ASSUME: Promises/A+, see http://promises-aplus.github.io/promises-spec/
r.done(function () {
finish(null, 'promise');
}, function(err) {
finish(err, 'promise');
Instead it specifies that all A+ promises must define only* an interoperable "promise.then()" method.
Hey all,
I will file this issue with orchestrator as well. It seems like gulp/via orchestrator uses the existence of a 'done' method on a return object to evaluate whether the task returns a promise -- however the Promises/A+ spec does not have any normative or prescriptive interoperable specification that a promise implementation provide "promise.done()".
orchestrator/lib/runTask.js lines 36 - 40
Instead it specifies that all A+ promises must define only* an interoperable "promise.then()" method.
*edit: need only define, rather. lol.