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Contribute section needs a way to show off our Sponsors/Backers #51

Closed phated closed 7 years ago

phated commented 7 years ago

We really want a way to show off Sponsors and Backers on the website. This needs to be designed and developed (mockups first, etc).

We've been asked by multiple Sponsors to have their logo on our website (but it wouldn't have worked in the old design). With the redesign, there's plenty of room to fit logos somewhere near the contribute section.

We also want to show off a subset of the Backers to encourage people to increase donation amounts/durations and to keep the website from getting cluttered.

yocontra commented 7 years ago

@phated Is there an easy way for us to get a list of the logos from opencollective? I can do this pretty easily if so.

phated commented 7 years ago

They have routes that can provide HTML or a JS library that can inject the backers but it doesn't look good and I think we'd want to integrate it nicely into the page. Hoping to get a mockup before we implement.

yocontra commented 7 years ago

@phated Already implemented this during the redesign but removed it because I didn't have any logos.

It looks like this:

screen shot 2017-01-17 at 4 05 57 pm

The CSS is already in the page. Just a matter or getting the logos and rendering them into the section. Want to keep the monochrome look for simplicity.

yocontra commented 7 years ago

Alt option is this (replace quote w/ contribute call to action button)

screen shot 2017-01-17 at 4 09 56 pm
phated commented 7 years ago

I like that second option. We currently don't have any sponsors, so we don't have any logos yet :frowning_face:

How should we fit Backers (individuals contributing money)?

yocontra commented 7 years ago

@phated Can always do something like

// get everyone who gave us money, sort by amount, slice 10
const getImages = () => {
  const donors = []
  if (sponsors) donors.push(...sponsors)
  if (backers) donors.push(...backers)
  return sort(donors, 'contributed').slice(0, 10)
phated commented 7 years ago

@contra here's the links to the JSON routes:

I'm not sure if they have CORS enabled but we could always use JSONP if they don't. They might be willing to add CORS if we request it, too.

yocontra commented 7 years ago

@phated Nice, exactly what I needed. Will work on something when I have some spare time.

Saturate commented 7 years ago

I just took a quick look at this, they do not support CORS or JSONP - so getting the data is a bit hard.

I created a issue here:

Feel free to chime in!

phated commented 7 years ago

@Saturate every JSON url supports JSONP because it evaluates the string on your domain. However, it would be ideal if they enabled CORS on the endpoints.

Saturate commented 7 years ago

Hey @phated I'm pretty sure that it's not the case, for JSONP to work the server must return the "padding" specified in the ?callback= parameter, or atleast have a predefined padding..

It's also stated here

Note that for JSONP to work, a server must reply with a response that includes the JSONP function. JSONP does not work with JSON-formatted results. The JSONP function invocation that gets sent back, and the payload that the function receives, must be agreed-upon by the client and server.

Or maybe it's me that's missing something entirely?

phated commented 7 years ago

@Saturate oh crud! I totally forgot about that (it's been so long since I used it!), good catch.

Saturate commented 7 years ago

@phated that happens sometimes, but sadly that also means that we have to wait for to be resolved, before we can get more progress on this issue.

phated commented 7 years ago

We could use a proxy service that exposes it as CORS. I wonder if there is a trustworthy one around.

Saturate commented 7 years ago

Could be a solution. However I guess we will have a hard time finding such service, as it in it self is a bit shady to circumvent default CORS settings.

But we could work on this and implement it in a branch for when/if OpenCollective adds this feature. It's easy to circumvent on your local development machine.

phated commented 7 years ago

@Saturate sounds good. I can circumvent github issue tracker if you have a PR for us and they still haven't fixed it.

Saturate commented 7 years ago

OpenCollective added support for CORS, and while it's not live yet - it's awesome, and made write some code.

I started work on this branch:

It's all looking good, but there are some things to consider.

The code could be rewritten into something horrible, but this is not the correct way to go.

I'm thinking, why was the build steps for this repo removed? It would be farily simple to make a gulp script that transpiles ES2015 and SCSS/LESS among with other optimizations, and then make Travis-CI build to a gh-pages branch each time there's a new commit/merge to master. It would solve the first issue with JavaScript compatibility, and make it easier to maintain LESS/SCSS... but I guess there a reason for this?

Anyways feel free to look at the branch, and maybe someone knows how to defeat the avatar issue.

phated commented 7 years ago

@Saturate nice! I'll probably just do a manual rewrite with ES5 once you send a PR. We can use rawgit or to include a promise library.

Do you think we should open an issue for open collective to serve smaller images? I think they have some sort of image processing in their APIs.

Saturate commented 7 years ago

@phated I can rewrite to ES5 as well :-) I guess promises is the thing that I least want to miss and including a pollyfill/library seems like a good solution, then it's only fetch that needs to be rewritten, and some minor things with const / let.

I found the{{IMAGE}} service on their website, it takes any image and returns it (seems like a risk on their side).

We can't control the image size it converts a 800x800 image to 320x320. So we don't really have any control, but it's far better than before. The max dimension is always 320px... I could use this for now, but it seems a little abusive.

I guess it would be nice if they added something that we are supposed to use for this kind of task. So opening an issue would be great.

phated commented 7 years ago

Fetch can be replaced with a similar, ES5-compat library (like or something) and included from one of the CDNs.

Saturate commented 7 years ago

I have no idea why I did not consider this. I'll implement this and make a PR :-)

phated commented 7 years ago

Awesome, thanks!