gulpjs / vinyl

Virtual file format.
MIT License
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Contents cannot be a `Stream` object #140

Closed demurgos closed 6 years ago

demurgos commented 6 years ago

The following code throws an error:

const Stream = require("stream").Stream;
const file = new Vinyl({contents: new Stream()});
TypeError: Cannot read property 'objectMode' of undefined
  at new Cloneable (node_modules/cloneable-readable/index.js:13:41)
  at Cloneable (node_modules/cloneable-readable/index.js:10:12)
  at File.set (index.js:183:13)
  at new File (index.js:33:17)
  at Context.<anonymous> (test/file.js:173:18)

(see the stack trace at the bottom of this Travis Job)

The error is caused in cloneable-readable when the stream is cloned because it is expected to be a readable stream (with a _readableState property):

function Cloneable (stream, opts) {
  if (!(this instanceof Cloneable)) {
    return new Cloneable(stream, opts)

  var objectMode = stream._readableState.objectMode
  this._original = stream
  this._clonesCount = 1

  opts = opts || {}
  opts.objectMode = objectMode, opts)

  forwardDestroy(stream, this)

  this.on('newListener', onData)

The documentation is only requiring stream contents to only inherit from Stream:

The contents of the file. If options.contents is a Stream, it is wrapped in a cloneable-readable stream.

Either the documentation should have stronger requirements for streams (readable stream) or the implementation should check that the stream is readable before cloning it. There's also but it would require a semver major breaking change.

This error was present in older versions of vinyl and was found while migrating away from gulp-util in gulp-cssnano.

phated commented 6 years ago

Good catch! It definitely needs to be a ReadableStream. require('stream').Stream is a super old legacy API that points to a version of streams before Readable/Writable/Duplex. The readable-stream package actually does things a little differently by exporting a ReadableStream as the main export.