Closed adam-lynch closed 10 years ago
var vfs = require('vinyl-fs');
var nextback = require('nextback');
var getFiles = function(path, cb) {
cb = nextback(cb);
var files = [];
var globber = vfs.src(path);
globber.once('error', cb);
globber.on('data', function(file){
globber.once('end', function(){
cb(null, files);
getFiles('./fixtures/test.xml', function(err, files){
var file = files[0];
// do your test here
getFiles('./fixtures/*.xml', function(err, files){
// do your test here
If you use mocha this is easy to add in a before/beforeEach section and then assign the files to this.fixtures or something. You can synchronously create a vinyl file but you'll have to create those variables and pass them to the Vinyl constructor yourself (fs.readFileSync, fs.lstatSync, etc.)
Thanks. I was thinking without globs, but I guess it makes things easier in some cases.
What's the best way of instantiating a vinyl based on a file on disk. I looked at vinyl-fs but I don't think it's what I'm looking for. Maybe I'm being stupid / missing something but in some tests for my gulp plugins, I do stuff like:
What I'm for is something that I can pass a path to and get a new Vinyl in return.