gulrak / filesystem

An implementation of C++17 std::filesystem for C++11 /C++14/C++17/C++20 on Windows, macOS, Linux and FreeBSD.
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Improved string_view support #102

Closed phprus closed 3 years ago

phprus commented 3 years ago

1) Removed use of the __cpp_lib_string_view macro, because the __cpp_lib_string_view macro requires <version>(C++20) or <string_view> (In the libc++: only since version 8.0: 2) Added support of legacy std::experimental::string_view (if the std::string_view not found). 3) Added selector to use a custom, user provided string_view implementation (by defining the GHC_HAS_USER_STRING_VIEW macro and add using custom::basic_string_view into ghc::filesystem namespace).

Maybe the GHC_HAS_USER_STRING_VIEW macro should be renamed?

gulrak commented 3 years ago

Thank you for the effort, I really like the idea! Only the removal of __cpp_lib_string_view (that also is required to be delivered by <string> besides <string_view>) is something I rather not prefer, as this solution would force the compilers or their libs down to only the three explicitly handled ones, and my main concern is any conforming compiler should work without explicitly being named when possible (there are more out there than these three, like EDG, or Embarcadero C++). So I can see the need to additionally detect the corner cases (like other code in this project, detecting cases where MSVC does not deliver a usable __cplusplus) to enable more string_view chances, but not the removal of the standard conforming detection. It could be used to also set GHC_HAS_STD_STRING_VIEW to fit to the changes.

(I can not really think of a better name for GHC_HAS_USER_STRING_VIEW, besides maybe GHC_HAS_CUSTOM_STRING_VIEW, but both would be fine.)

As this (and the last) week are very busy job-wise, I wouldn't be able to merge this before weekend anyway. Thanks again for your PR and support! :thumbsup:

phprus commented 3 years ago

1) Added checking of the __cpp_lib_string_view macro before checking the versions of libraries and compilers. 2) Renamed GHC_HAS_USER_STRING_VIEW to GHC_HAS_CUSTOM_STRING_VIEW.