gulrak / filesystem

An implementation of C++17 std::filesystem for C++11 /C++14/C++17/C++20 on Windows, macOS, Linux and FreeBSD.
MIT License
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Add reference to Bazel rules #176

Closed cpsauer closed 7 months ago

cpsauer commented 7 months ago

Hi again, Steffen!

Thanks again for such a wonderful library. We've been using it for months now and really appreciate it.

I'd promised you Bazel rules in Now that they're battle-tested (especially as a transitive dep) I'm following up with that one-liner PR linking to them in the README that you'd 👍🏻'd. Should make usage stupid simple for Bazel users.

Cheers, Chris

gulrak commented 7 months ago

Thanks for the contribution. :-)

cpsauer commented 7 months ago

Thanks for being great--and again, for giving the world a stupendous library!