gumbarros / DevWidgets

DevWidgets is a Flutter application with several tools such as generators, formatters and converters for developers. It's directly inspired by DevToys.
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fixed gesture detector area, added feedback on hover #1

Closed kphanipavan closed 1 year ago

kphanipavan commented 1 year ago


I noticed that the margin for the container is inside GestureDetector, which causes teh button to activate even when pressed outside the button area. Changed it by removing the margin and adding padding around the gesture detector.

I added MouseRegion for the card so the mouse cursor changes to link select icon when hovering on a button. Also added color fade to the button for better visual feedback. Had to change the widget to stateful though, for active color change.

I am new to Get, is there a way to do the color change in Get without converting the toolcard widget to stateful ?


gumbarros commented 1 year ago

Hello @kphanipavan , thanks for the fix 😄! In Get the principle is to use everything as a Stateless Widget for better performance. The equivalent of setState to a color change is controller.update(), it will update the entire UI.

gumbarros commented 1 year ago

@kphanipavan I fixed it with a Rx value instead of setState:

class ToolCard extends StatelessWidget {
  final Tool tool;
  final Rx<Color> cardColor = Colors.transparent.obs;


  void onHoverIn(PointerEvent _) {
    cardColor.value = Color.fromARGB(99, 132, 132, 132);

  void onHoverOut(PointerEvent _) {
    cardColor.value = Colors.transparent;

  Widget build(BuildContext context) {
  child: Obx(
              () => Card(
                surfaceTintColor: cardColor.value,
kphanipavan commented 1 year ago

Thank you for the info and accepting my PR : ] I should probably start with some Getx tutorials before making anymore PRs, I am creating more work for you...

Forgot to mention, I also added yaru_colors to pubspec, tried to use a color but used a custom color anyway.