gumilastik / VVVV.HTMLTexture.DX11

Browser for DX11, based on ChromiumFX library. Perfectly fit for UI.
5 stars 7 forks source link

Spreadable node ? #1

Open sebescudie opened 8 years ago

sebescudie commented 8 years ago

Hi !

Is there any way this node could be spreadable, like its EX9 equivalent ? e.g if you input 30 URL, you get 30 textures ?

Thanks !

bj-rn commented 8 years ago

was about to ask the same question. would a little funding speed up the process? I really need this feature...

gumilastik commented 8 years ago

Plugin must be rewritten (especially js callbacks part) for support spreadable logic. This will be in next big update.

sebescudie commented 8 years ago

Okay, thanks for the info !

laurensrinke commented 7 years ago

Hey, are there some updates about this feature? i would really need this node spreadable