gumyr / build123d

A python CAD programming library
Apache License 2.0
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Chamfer broken when selecting by face #611

Open MatthiasJ1 opened 2 months ago

MatthiasJ1 commented 2 months ago

This is useful in the scenario when you are trying to select edges on the inner or outer wires of a face of a solid.

p = Cylinder(5,10)
p = chamfer((p.faces()>>Axis.Z)[0].edges(), 1)
ValueError: 2D chamfer operation takes only Vertices

p = extrude(Circle(5), 10)
p = chamfer((p.faces()>>Axis.Z)[0].edges(), 1)
ValueError: 2D chamfer operation takes only Vertices

p = Cylinder(5,10)
p = p.chamfer(1, None, (p.faces()>>Axis.Z)[0].edges())
TypeError: Cylinder.__init__() missing 1 required positional argument: 'height'

p = extrude(Circle(5), 10)
p = p.chamfer(1, None, (p.faces()>>Axis.Z)[0].edges())
This one works.