gumyr / build123d

A python CAD programming library
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Docs: Note that the `radius` arg of `bd.Helix` is the "minimum radius" when `cone_angle>0` #761

Open KilowattSynthesis opened 4 weeks ago

KilowattSynthesis commented 4 weeks ago

When cone_angle>0, the cone of the helix expands outwards (thus making the radiux arg the "minimum radius"). The docs don't currently mention this.

gumyr commented 3 weeks ago

If the cone_angle<0 the helix gets smaller as it proceeds so the radius isn't the "minimum" but maybe the "base" radius.

KilowattSynthesis commented 3 weeks ago

Hmm good note; hadn't considered that. I don't think "base" radius is necessarily clear, as it's not clear what "base" means (I guess it's the radiux closest to the orgin?).


When cone_angle != 0, the radius argument is the radius at the side of the cone closest to the origin. When cone_angle > 0, the radius expands outwards farther from the origin; when cone_angle < 0, the radius spirals inwards.