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Instructions how to integrate Gun-JS+V8 with a variety of languages and platforms #33

Open merarischroeder opened 5 years ago

merarischroeder commented 5 years ago

There should be universal guidance on how to use Gun-JS with a range of given languages and platforms using a headless v8-js engine.

Porting would be ideal, but the first step is getting broad adoption through a single solid code base. When millions of people are using it, then it will make sense to maintain multiple code bases (but it would likely be a Golang and using WebAssembly from Golang for web)

amark commented 5 years ago

@merarischroeder the spec/protocol is more important, because it lets any system be compatible even with a variety of implementations.

People have done Python, other JS ports, ?GO? in several hours using !

The most complex part of GUN is not the DB or distributed systems stuff, it is the API. But other languages don't need to use the same API, so that code can be chucked.

By headless v8-js engine, do you mean more like a REST API for it? Or if not, pardon my ignorance, but isn't NodeJS exactly a headless v8 engine? So I'm not sure what you mean if not-protocol, and not V8-based? Is there some other option? Please let me know!

We're already at ~2M users :/ (people, not devs) and growing fast :/ :O so we should get rolling on this!