I've built out support for the task list component in our repo, so I wanted to share the relevant code with you to give you a head start when you get there.
I'm not asking you to merge this. In fact don't, because it's still a work in progress in govuk-frontend, not yet a component.
I've built out support for the task list component in our repo, so I wanted to share the relevant code with you to give you a head start when you get there.
I'm not asking you to merge this. In fact don't, because it's still a work in progress in govuk-frontend, not yet a component.
I've also written documentation following your style, but ours is in Markdown format so I haven't included it in the PR. In case it's useful you can find it at https://github.com/thepensionsregulator/govuk-frontend-aspnetcore-extensions/blob/develop/docs/components/task-list-summary.md and https://github.com/thepensionsregulator/govuk-frontend-aspnetcore-extensions/blob/develop/docs/components/task-list.md