gunschu / jitsi_meet

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[BUG]: Listening to Meeting Events can't be Trigerred #419

Closed isnaenimus closed 1 year ago

isnaenimus commented 1 year ago

jitsi_meet plugin version jitsi_meet: 4.0.0

Describe the bug Per Meeting Events and Global Meeting Events not be trigerred in example code, I use custom jisti meet server serverUrl. I tried to print a message when the event onJoined or onTerminated was called, but only the event that was called on the SDK was called, not called for the example code.

To Reproduce Just follow the instructions that have been given before.

Below is the Code

var options = JitsiMeetingOptions(room: room) ..serverURL = customServerUrl ..subject = "" ..audioOnly = isAudioOnly ..audioMuted = isAudioMuted ..videoMuted = isVideoMuted ..userDisplayName = "" ..featureFlags.addAll(featureFlags);

debugPrint("JitsiMeetingOptions: $options");
await JitsiMeet.joinMeeting(
  listener: JitsiMeetingListener(
      onConferenceWillJoin: (message) {
        debugPrint("${} will join with message: $message");
      onConferenceJoined: (message) {
        debugPrint("${} joined with message: $message");
      onConferenceTerminated: (message) {
        debugPrint("${} terminated with message: $message");
      genericListeners: [
            eventName: 'readyToClose',
            callback: (dynamic message) {
              debugPrint("readyToClose callback");