guoguibing / librec

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Error, return zero for all userCode, itemCode and rating values! #265

Closed sososa1213 closed 6 years ago

sososa1213 commented 6 years ago

I need to retrieve values of userCode, itemCode and rating from "/movielens/ml-100k/ratings.txt". I use this way

Resource resource = new Resource("");
Configuration conf = new Configuration();
TextDataModel dataModel = new TextDataModel(conf);
SparseMatrix trainMatrix = dataModel.getDataSplitter().getTrainData();
int count = trainMatrix.numRows();
 for (int i : trainMatrix.rows()) {
            int userCode = (int) trainMatrix.get(i,0);
        int itemCode = (int) trainMatrix.get(i, 1);
        double rating = trainMatrix.get(i, 2);

when I print values is zero. Any help to fix this error