guoguibing / librec

LibRec: A Leading Java Library for Recommender Systems, see
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A possible mistake in Wiki #291

Closed JillWen closed 5 years ago

JillWen commented 5 years ago

While the ListwiseMFRecommender class listed in the Algorithm list,I cannot find it from the source code.I'm confused whether it is supposed to be "ListRankMFRecommender"?Also,I cannot find the BNPoissMFRecommender class and the CPTFRecommender class either.

SunYatong commented 5 years ago

ListwiseMFRecommender and ListRankMFRecommender are the same.

BNPoissMF and CPTF are abandoned due to performance issues.

JillWen commented 5 years ago

ListwiseMFRecommender and ListRankMFRecommender are the same.

BNPoissMF and CPTF are abandoned due to performance issues.

Got it,thanks a lot @SunYatong .