guoyww / AnimateDiff

Official implementation of AnimateDiff.
Apache License 2.0
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Can't install torchaudio 0.13.1 #358

Open KintCark opened 3 weeks ago

KintCark commented 3 weeks ago

I'm trying to install this I tried all conda channels but I even did pip install torchaudio=0.13.1 but it still says package not found! Do I need to use an older version of python? I'm currently using python 3.10.12

(base) root@localhost:~/AnimateDiff# conda env create -f environment.yaml Channels:

PackagesNotFoundError: The following packages are not available from current channels:

Current channels:

To search for alternate channels that may provide the conda package you're looking for, navigate to

and use the search bar at the top of the page.

nok commented 1 week ago

Hello @KintCark , in the past it was available.

As a workaround you can try to install the dependecy torchaudio over pip by changing the environment file to this:

name: animatediff
  - pytorch
  - nvidia
  - python=3.10
  - pytorch=1.13.1
  - torchvision=0.14.1
  - pytorch-cuda=11.7
  - pip
  - pip:
    - torchaudio==0.13.1
    - diffusers==0.11.1
    - transformers==4.25.1
    - xformers==0.0.16
    - imageio==2.27.0
    - decord==0.6.0
    - gdown
    - einops
    - omegaconf
    - safetensors
    - gradio
    - wandb
KintCark commented 1 week ago

Now I'm getting this error samething happened in the ez-text2video github am I installing it correctly?

Installing pip dependencies: | Ran pip subprocess with arguments: ['/root/miniforge3/envs/animatediff/bin/python', '-m', 'pip', 'install', '-U', '-r', '/root/AnimateDiff/condaenv.qjo25utm.requirements.txt', '--exists-action=b'] Pip subprocess output:

Pip subprocess error: /root/miniforge3/envs/animatediff/.tmpptddcoqg: line 3: /root/miniforge3/envs/animatediff/bin/python: No such file or directory


CondaEnvException: Pip failed