gurkult / gurkbot

Our community bot, used for running the server.
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Have a default config file. #50

Open Inheritanc-e opened 3 years ago

Inheritanc-e commented 3 years ago

We should have a default config file so that the people that want to contribute don't have to constantly switch between their editor/IDE to discord just to get the id's of the channels or roles. The information in the config file would be accessible across the entire project. The config file could either be json or yaml. We would initialize the information stored in the config in, and we would import those information across the project.

Shivansh-007 commented 3 years ago

Well this is just a idea, when the bot starts in a particular server it will create a config.json or file in the root directory containing the emojis and its ids, the roles and its ids and same for the channels. And we could just copy paste these in our python code.

Inheritanc-e commented 3 years ago

What do you mean? The bot should be configured in such a way that it would fulfill the needs of the Gurkult server.

Vyvy-vi commented 3 years ago

we could have the file generate when the bot is run(dynamic), or should we add it to the repo(static)?

Inheritanc-e commented 3 years ago

Why would we want to generate a file? We should just have a default config file on the repo, which would be initialized in

Shivansh-007 commented 3 years ago

To avoid the work of getting all ids of roles/emojis/channels

Shivansh-007 commented 3 years ago

we could have the file generate when the bot is run(dynamic), or should we add it to the repo(static)?

Dynamically when bot is run.

Inheritanc-e commented 3 years ago

Why though? The bot is configured for the Gurkult server and the default-config would just be the one in the repo. The bot would interact with config.json which could be constantly updated.

Vyvy-vi commented 3 years ago

That could also be done... We have 1 default json config which updates when bot is run :+1: (I was talking of generation, since ppl might use this in other servers)

Shivansh-007 commented 3 years ago

Yeah just like vyvy said

Inheritanc-e commented 3 years ago

Are u saying that we create such a configuration that when people would run the bot in their servers that it would get the required channel and role ids and replace the once in config-default.json. And for the bot in the Gurkult server, the config file would be constantly be updated.

Shivansh-007 commented 3 years ago


Inheritanc-e commented 3 years ago

I guess we can do that. Let's see what others have to say.

gustavwilliam commented 3 years ago

I like the idea of having some default config. Maybe we could include a file that defaults to the bot test server, so it's easy to get started with contributing.

Regarding scalability, I think we should have a setup wizard command for servers in the future, but that's nothing we should think about right now imo. For now, I think a config file would be fine, that you duplicate (and change the name of to something predefined, like and put your own values in. When the bot start, it first looks for and if it doesn't find it, it defaults to (It doesn't have to be a python file. It would probably be YAML).

Inheritanc-e commented 3 years ago

Ye, but we could also make it so that they wouldn't have to go through the hassle of getting the ids of channels and roles. The bot could just get it for them and create the config.yaml or config.json file (I prefer json as it is very similar to python's list and dictionary and I think more people would be familiar with json rather than yaml) . This should also only work on servers that have the same channels and roles as the test server, and for the actual bot we should have a config file that would be updated when some changes made in the server, an example of this would be a channel being deleted. We wouldn't want things in the config file that take up unnecessary space.

gustavwilliam commented 3 years ago

That would require having the exact same channel names?

Inheritanc-e commented 3 years ago

Yes it would, as it would indicate that they are configuring the bot to contribute to Gurkult.

gustavwilliam commented 3 years ago

Why wouldn't they just join the server and the test server? If they really want to do it on their own, they could possibly just enter the IDs imo.

Inheritanc-e commented 3 years ago

By having this, the people that don't want to test in our test server, wouldn't have to go through the hassle of getting the ids of all the channels and roles. I mean not everyone would want to test in the test server. This would create a config.(json or yaml) file and then this file would be updated according to the changes made to the server.

Vyvy-vi commented 3 years ago

perhaps we could make a file, to make the config.json file(it can be run, when using the bot for the first time) imho, keeping it customisable according to contributors/users(since, this is oss), for testing in their own servers, if they want.. Moreover, if we don't make a config file or something like that, we might have to add extra guidelines in the readme on how to change the values etc...

Shivansh-007 commented 3 years ago

Well that is something I was working in, and it is a time taking process and Python Discord is already building a smart config, so either we what till. March for that or you gives me sometime to come with a way to do that.

Inheritanc-e commented 3 years ago

so either we what till. March for that.

Why would we have to wait? We could just make a config that suits our needs rather. The only thing that this config is supposed to do is store the ids of roles and channels in config.(YAML or JSON).

vivekashok1221 commented 3 years ago

perhaps we could make a file, to make the config.json file(it can be run, when using the bot for the first time) imho, keeping it customisable according to contributors/users(since, this is oss), for testing in their own servers, if they want.. Moreover, if we don't make a config file or something like that, we might have to add extra guidelines in the readme on how to change the values etc...

I like the general idea but I'm unsure as to whether we should wait for Smart Config to be developed or make something of our own in the mean time.

Just a small note, we shouldn't call it since that's meant for metadata about the project and for pip to manage dependencies, etc. . It's never directly run, too. We can make a .py script of an appropriate name in /scripts. I have consulted with people and running the script with pipenv seems to be a clean option.

Inheritanc-e commented 3 years ago

Right, but that's not the purpose of this issue though. For this issue, my suggestions are:

gustavwilliam commented 3 years ago

For testing purposes, this could possibly work great. We could probably make sure that the user just runs it through enabling a DEV flag or something. This means we could add something to automatically create categories and roles that don't yet exist, through checking which ones already exist in the server. This would allow the bot to update the server to match the default config easily, on first startup and after pulling new versions, which would be quite fantastic for a testing server (instead of letting the user create roles themselves, like in your third bullet point).

Inheritanc-e commented 3 years ago

I think you misunderstood my third bullet point. What I meant was when the bot would be running on the server, we wouldn't want to have roles and channels that are already deleted or have been edited, so we should listen for those events through the bot and the bot would change the information in config. (JSON or YAML).

Also I agree with your idea on creating the roles and channels in the server when first ran,

gustavwilliam commented 3 years ago

So, the user could have a test server that doesn't have all of the required roles?

Inheritanc-e commented 3 years ago

Well we could create the roles that are missing as u suggested.

gustavwilliam commented 3 years ago

This is what I'm proposing that the bot does when the script is run (could be configured to run automatically on every git pull)

  1. Check what roles and channels exist
  2. Update IDs in config file to match the ones on the server
  3. Create the ones that don't exist and store IDs

The user could also choose to run it manually whenever they think it's needed, using something like pipenv run sync-ids.

Inheritanc-e commented 3 years ago

Why would we want to update it only when ran? Why not immediately after the changes made?

gustavwilliam commented 3 years ago

Well, here are the times that I think we should run it:

Do we also want it to run every time the bot starts? Nah, that's probably overkill, or what do you think?

Inheritanc-e commented 3 years ago

Run what may I ask

gustavwilliam commented 3 years ago

The script that updates the config file to match the server.

Inheritanc-e commented 3 years ago

It wouldn't be a script, it would just be a cog that listens for events in the server and update the config file accordingly. Which would be located in bot/exts/backend/ under the name of

But, we should also do what you suggested and create the required channels and roles if they do not exist, in the backend folder.

Inheritanc-e commented 3 years ago

So here is the plan.

  1. We would have a in the backends folder which would sync the changes made in the server to the config file.

  2. We would have a check_required_keys function in our file which would check if the required keys exist or not.

  3. We would use the check_required_keys function in the file to check if the server has the needed roles and channels. When there are changes made in the server we would check if those changes were made to the required keys and if they were then we would try to recreate those keys if we can't then we would dm the server owner asking them to create the required roles and channels.

  4. If all the required channels and ids exist then we would create a new file called config.(JSON or YAML), and store all information there.

gustavwilliam commented 3 years ago

Why do you want a sync that goes the SERVER => CONFIG direction? If people create a bunch of roles, they should not be added automatically to the config files. Instead, the user should add it manually, if they make changes.

Especially in test servers, there are often sudo or testers roles, made to let people test freely on the server. If all roles were added to the config automatically, this would be a total mess.

For the record, I've already described how this would preferably work in

Inheritanc-e commented 3 years ago

Ye that does make sense.

So..., we would have a script that creates a config file containing all the required information in the server, if some of the required information is not present in the server then the bot would create it, and add it to the config file?

Also, when would the bot check if the roles and ids exist or they have been deleted?

gustavwilliam commented 3 years ago

Basically, yeah. These are the two files that I think should exist, where both should have either a JSON or YAML format. The names can be changed.

In order to create server-config, we need a script. This would be a python script that has a few flags available, though these could be added as we go along, if we want to. We should also be able to set this up to run on at least startup, pulls and to be run manually from the command line:

This script would be a bit more complex, but the goal of it is to have valid IDs in server-config, synced from the names of the channels that server-config-list specifies should exist.

Inheritanc-e commented 3 years ago

Sounds good. Now we need to agree on the type of file that needs to be used.