gurnec / btcrecover

An open source Bitcoin wallet password and seed recovery tool designed for the case where you already know most of your password/seed, but need assistance in trying different possible combinations.
GNU General Public License v2.0
1.28k stars 683 forks source link

Need help accessing my 2012 wallet - Donations! #162

Open Bitcoininvestor opened 6 years ago

Bitcoininvestor commented 6 years ago


I recently remembered that I had a substantial number of bitcoins in my old wallet from 2012. I believe it was made in April 2012. I have everything up and running except gpu acceleration.

Here is my setup:

Windows 10 Home 64-bit Intel Core i7-6700k 32 gigs ddr3 Nvidia 1070

I am nervous because from what I've read on here it seems that because of the age of the wallet I may not be able to retrieve the password and am getting false negatives. Do you know if this is the case?

If I could get help getting my gpu acceleration going I would be eternally grateful! I will send a HANDSOME donation to this project if it gets my password. I am able to process 3 billion passwords in 4 hours currently without the gpu acceleration but I would love to get into 7 and 8 character guesses (I have tried everything I could remember and nothing so far, moving to random).

My wallet is downloaded and in .Json format.

Also, Is it possible that I could just find my mnemonic phrase? If so, how would I go about that?

My skype is: Indianagems for faster communication.

rterwedo commented 6 years ago

@Bitcoininvestor I reached out on skype. Are you in WA? PS I dont think @gurnec has support for wallets with GPU accel.

I think some targeted token files might be better than random if you know bits (or think you know bits)

kholia commented 6 years ago

JtR Jumbo supports GPU acceleration for cracking wallets,

$ ../run/john --test --format=blockchain-opencl
Will run 32 OpenMP threads
Device 6: GeForce GTX TITAN X
Benchmarking: blockchain-opencl, blockchain My Wallet [PBKDF2-SHA1 OpenCL AES]... (32xOMP) DONE
Raw:    6979K c/s real, 362387 c/s virtual

CPU speed is also quite usable,

$ ../run/john --format=blockchain --test  # on i7-6600U
Will run 4 OpenMP threads
Benchmarking: Blockchain, My Wallet (x10) [PBKDF2-SHA1 AES 256/256 AVX2 8x]... (4xOMP) DONE
Raw:    827520 c/s real, 213278 c/s virtual

We may need to improve if the year 2012 wallet format is not already supported.
