gurnec / btcrecover

An open source Bitcoin wallet password and seed recovery tool designed for the case where you already know most of your password/seed, but need assistance in trying different possible combinations.
GNU General Public License v2.0
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Can I search for a ripple address with seedrecover? #223

Open grnqrtr opened 6 years ago

grnqrtr commented 6 years ago

Is it possible to use some kind of command line option to try to bruteforce correct seed with a known ripple address? I tried this but said "ripple" wasn't a correct wallet-type?

./ --wallet-type ripple --bip32-path "m/44'/144'/0'/0/" --addr-limit 1

Can I use some kind of command line option like this with a known address?

Thanks for any help!

vly3 commented 6 years ago

I have just posted a web page describing how I modified Ian Coleman’s BIP39 tool, to automate guessing at seed phrases. This can be used for any type of coin address that his BIP39 tool supports, including ripple addresses.

grnqrtr commented 6 years ago

@vly3 Thank you very much! I was able to use your instructions to help someone recover some ripple :)

vamp111 commented 6 years ago

vly3 is the real MVP i used his narrow instructions and managed to recover some btc from a segwit adress, where i had a wrong mnemonic