gurnec / btcrecover

An open source Bitcoin wallet password and seed recovery tool designed for the case where you already know most of your password/seed, but need assistance in trying different possible combinations.
GNU General Public License v2.0
1.23k stars 657 forks source link

Some PRs were ported into the elements-22.x branch that don't exist in master yet, on top of those PRs, we applied 7286cdc3b5592195bd82523f069760acb8e3e312. Once those PRs make it into master, we need to apply 7286cdc3b5592195bd82523f069760acb8e3e312 to fix the wallet issue. #524

Open tuttheking81 opened 4 weeks ago

tuttheking81 commented 4 weeks ago

Some PRs were ported into the elements-22.x branch that don't exist in master yet, on top of those PRs, we applied 7286cdc3b5592195bd82523f069760acb8e3e312. Once those PRs make it into master, we need to apply 7286cdc3b5592195bd82523f069760acb8e3e312 to fix the wallet issue.

Originally posted by @psgreco in

Originally posted by @tuttheking81 in

Originally posted by @tuttheking81 in