gurock / testrail-docker

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Too few arguments to function User_model::insert_ex() - automatic user creation failes #44

Open cypbro opened 1 year ago

cypbro commented 1 year ago

The ldap authentication of an user works but the automatic user creation insie testrail fails...

Too few arguments to function User_model::insert_ex(), 11 passed in /var/www/testrail/app/drivers/auth/custom.php on line 142 and at least 12 expected

Details: File: /var/www/testrail/app/models/user.php Line: 651 Status Code: 500 Host: Uri: /index.php?/auth/login/XYZ: (POST)

Browser: Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64; rv:109.0) Gecko/20100101 Firefox/111.0 PHP: 7.3.33 Server: Linux 4.18.0-425.13.1.el8_7.x86_64 #1 SMP Tue Feb 21 19:25:54 UTC 2023 x86_64

name: password: rememberme: 1

Trace: at User_model->insert_ex (custom.php:142) at Auth_custom_driver->_handle_success (custom.php:293) at Auth_custom_driver->_login (custom.php:314) at Auth_custom_driver->login (auth.php:750) at Auth_library->_login_custom (auth.php:738) at Auth_library->_login (auth.php:540) at Auth_library->login (auth.php:67) at Auth_controller->login (controller.php:257) at Controller->_invoke_web_call (controller.php:168) at Controller->_invoke_web (controller.php:120) at Controller->_invoke (gizmo.php:129) at require_once (index.php:114)


metajiji commented 1 year ago

The same issue with apache image. Version:

joshberry-wandisco commented 1 year ago

I have this exact same error after upgrade to (non-docker). Anyone have any ideas?

metajiji commented 1 year ago

I believe the cause problem in encrypted file /var/www/testrail/app/drivers/auth/custom.php and can be fixed by TestRail team.

mj2377 commented 2 months ago

I know this is old....but do we know what direction this went or what version had the fix? I can confirm that this issue began around 6.6x versioning, currently facing the same problem on server version. Thanks!

mj2377 commented 2 months ago

Ok, never mind...I found this bug fix -> TR-4086 - "Too few arguments to function User_model::insert_ex()..." error during LDAP/AD integration with 7.8 (1136) build.

joshberry-wandisco commented 2 months ago

I raised this issue to support and was advised to upgrade to I have not done so yet so could not say if this resolves the issue