gurock / trcli

TR CLI (trcli) is a command line tool for interacting with TestRail.
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Added python 3.8 support #191

Closed chrisdavi closed 6 months ago

chrisdavi commented 6 months ago

Issue being resolved:

Solution description

Python 3.8 uses an older but still supported scheme for type hinting. This updates type hints to work with python 3.8


All incompatible type hints were changes to work in python 3.8. str.removeprefix was introduced in python 3.9, so a backports module was created that contained that functionality.

Potential impacts

It's possible I didn't test all paths, so python 3.8 could still be broken in some edge cases.

Steps to test

Running python3 -m pytest -c ./tests/pytest.ini -W ignore::pytest.PytestCollectionWarning --alluredir=./allure-results in both python 3.8 and python 3.10 resulted in no failures.

PR Tasks