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Add options to import stdout/stderr from junit test as comment #228

Open moenny opened 2 months ago

moenny commented 2 months ago

What would you like the TestRail CLI to be able to do?

Add options to import system and error messages from junit test as test command.


$ trcli parse_junit --help
  --system-out        Insert System-Out in comment
  --system-err        Insert System-Err in comment

Why is this feature necessary on the TestRail CLI?

This makes test results easier to understand.

More details

because i need this functionality, i have already started to implement it.

I can provide tests on request.

Interested in implementing it yourself?


bitcoder commented 2 months ago

thanks @moenny ; few doubts (I havent looked at the code right now):

  1. isn't system-err already processed (example)? I guess system-out isn't.
  2. we could support this just for junit, but what about the other formats from a consistency standpoint?

@chrisfaragliaTestRail what do you think?

moenny commented 1 month ago

thanks @moenny ; few doubts (I havent looked at the code right now):

  1. isn't system-err already processed (example)? I guess system-out isn't.

no, neither stdout nor stderr is currently being processed. Here is an example:

class Test: def test_ok(self): assert True

def test_skip(self):
    pytest.skip("skip test")

def test_fail(self):"fail")

def test_stderr_ok(self):
    print("print to stdout", file=sys.stdout)
    print("print to stderr", file=sys.stderr)
    assert True

def test_stderr_fail(self):
    print("print to stdout", file=sys.stdout)
    print("print to stderr", file=sys.stderr)
    assert False
- generate report.xml 
pytest-3 tests/ -rsv --capture=tee-sys -o junit_logging=all --junitxml report.xml
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?><testsuites><testsuite name="pytest" errors="0" failures="2" skipped="1" tests="5" time="0.039" timestamp="2024-05-06T12:16:27.539909" hostname="NBG37LNX"><testcase classname="tests.test.Test" name="test_ok" time="0.000"><system-out>--------------------------------- Captured Log ---------------------------------

--------------------------------- Captured Out ---------------------------------

</system-out><system-err>--------------------------------- Captured Err ---------------------------------

</system-err></testcase><testcase classname="tests.test.Test" name="test_skip" time="0.000"><skipped type="pytest.skip" message="skip test">/home/moenneckesc@procilon.local/git/zip/pytest/tests/ skip test</skipped><system-out>--------------------------------- Captured Log ---------------------------------

--------------------------------- Captured Out ---------------------------------

</system-out><system-err>--------------------------------- Captured Err ---------------------------------

</system-err><system-out>--------------------------------- Captured Log ---------------------------------

--------------------------------- Captured Out ---------------------------------

</system-out><system-err>--------------------------------- Captured Err ---------------------------------

</system-err></testcase><testcase classname="tests.test.Test" name="test_fail" time="0.000"><failure message="Failed: fail">self = &lt;test.Test object at 0x7fc3dce440d0&gt;

    def test_fail(self):
E       Failed: fail

tests/ Failed</failure><system-out>--------------------------------- Captured Log ---------------------------------

--------------------------------- Captured Out ---------------------------------

</system-out><system-err>--------------------------------- Captured Err ---------------------------------

</system-err></testcase><testcase classname="tests.test.Test" name="test_stderr_ok" time="0.000"><system-out>--------------------------------- Captured Log ---------------------------------

--------------------------------- Captured Out ---------------------------------
print to stdout

</system-out><system-err>--------------------------------- Captured Err ---------------------------------
print to stderr

</system-err></testcase><testcase classname="tests.test.Test" name="test_stderr_fail" time="0.000"><failure message="assert False">self = &lt;test.Test object at 0x7fc3dd694520&gt;

    def test_stderr_fail(self):
        print("print to stdout", file=sys.stdout)
        print("print to stderr", file=sys.stderr)
&gt;       assert False
E       assert False

tests/ AssertionError</failure><system-out>--------------------------------- Captured Log ---------------------------------

--------------------------------- Captured Out ---------------------------------
print to stdout

</system-out><system-err>--------------------------------- Captured Err ---------------------------------
print to stderr

only the "<failure message" parts are included in the TestRun comment. See exported TestRun from TestRail:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
    <name>Testrun capture stdout and stderr</name>
                                                                    </stats>    <sections>
                                                <template>Test Case (Automation)</template>
                                                <template>Test Case (Automation)</template>
                                                <comment>Type: pytest.skip
Message: skip test
Text: /home/USER@COMPANY.local/git/zip/pytest/tests/ skip test</comment>
                                                <template>Test Case (Automation)</template>
Message: Failed: fail
Text: self = &amp;lt;test.Test object at 0x7fc3dce440d0&amp;gt;

    def test_fail(self):
E       Failed: fail

tests/ Failed</comment>
                                                <template>Test Case (Automation)</template>
                                                <template>Test Case (Automation)</template>
Message: assert False
Text: self = &amp;lt;test.Test object at 0x7fc3dd694520&amp;gt;

    def test_stderr_fail(self):
        print(&amp;quot;print to stdout&amp;quot;, file=sys.stdout)
        print(&amp;quot;print to stderr&amp;quot;, file=sys.stderr)
&amp;gt;       assert False
E       assert False

tests/ AssertionError</comment>
  1. we could support this just for junit, but what about the other formats from a consistency standpoint?

I can currently only provide code for junit.