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[WEEK01] 회계 및 재무제표 분석 #142

Closed gurubee closed 6 months ago

gurubee commented 6 months ago

Lecture Note 1: Business Activities and Financial Statements

Accounting 의 Financial 차이는

What is accounting?

The Accounting System and Decision Makers

The Accounting System and Decision Makers

Understanding the Business

Understanding the Business

Business Activities

Principal Financial Statements

Balance Sheet (대차대조표 )


Income Statement (손익계산서)

The Articulation of F/S

The Articulation of F:S

배당 (Dividends)

Statement of Shareholders’ Equity (자본 변동표)


Statement of Cash Flows (현금흐름표)

gurubee commented 6 months ago
Beginning SE
gurubee commented 6 months ago